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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. No way, not yet...I don't think there are enough freeloaders that want to go back to the "new norm" that Obama created. But it's coming.
  2. Excellent points, the only problem is conservatives find it very difficult and distasteful to play by the rules liberals play by. It does work, Trump is living proof of that, he makes them look foolish at every turn. They can't handle it when someone turns their nonsense back at them.
  3. [Hidden Content] From the article: Julián Castro, the former Obama administration Housing and Urban Development secretary, tweeted, "@GoyaFoods has been a staple of so many Latino households for generations. Now their CEO, Bob Unanue, is praising a president who villainizes and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain. Americans should think twice before buying their products. #Goyaway." One of the largest Latino owned businesses has the nerve to side with President Trump...let's ruin his business. smh...at least it's another failure from the left, that's a good thing.
  4. If biased means watching the news for years and figuring out which ones are decent and which are dishonest....guilty. I get a kick out of how Fox gets under folk’s skin, many who have never even watched it.
  5. The commentary is not the news...Fox has the most accurate hard news of all the networks. Best method is on the website IMO. The news just needs to be reported...the truth is always one sided.
  6. lol, the old Fox News card...can you tell me what is wrong with them? They have more different viewpoints on their network than all the others. Flip to any other networks and you will not see anything other than liberal viewpoints.
  7. Read this earlier and just shook my head...and this is supposed to be the utopia of free speech.
  8. I think responsible folks are taking this very seriously and taking precautions without having to look to the "experts" that seem to change policy every day. I am especially mindful of staying away from folks that are older or may have a condition that would cause the virus to be very serious if contracted. As far as the knuckeheads that want to throw a fit because they don't like the rules an establishment has...stay out.
  9. For those that may not know who the sweetheart Angela Davis is: [Hidden Content] From the article: Davis was a supporter of the Soledad Brothers, three inmates who were accused of killing a prison guard at Soledad Prison.[26] On August 7, 1970, heavily armed 17-year-old African-American high-school student Jonathan Jackson, whose brother was George Jackson, one of the three Soledad Brothers, gained control of a courtroom in Marin County, California. He armed the black defendants and took Judge Harold Haley, the prosecutor, and three female jurors as hostages.[27][28] As Jackson transported the hostages and two black convicts away from the courtroom, the police began shooting at the vehicle. The judge and the three black men were killed in the melee; one of the jurors and the prosecutor were injured. Although the judge was shot in the head with a blast from a shotgun, he also suffered a chest wound from a bullet that may have been fired from outside the van. Evidence during the trial showed that either could have been fatal.[29] Davis had purchased several of the firearms Jackson used in the attack,[30] including the shotgun used to shoot Haley, which she bought at a San Francisco pawn shop two days before the incident.[28][31] She was also found to have been corresponding with one of the inmates involved.[32]
  10. Why anyone would trust the WHO is beyond me.
  11. Outstanding idea, but the idea of making Democrats take responsibility for their pathetic decisions has never gotten much traction.
  12. I don’t think Marc Rich served any prison time.
  13. Many parents do fund their children’s education, it’s called school tax.
  14. Yes, it is...NetCat got me covered on above post. Senior moment, I guess.
  15. [Hidden Content] From the article: Following George Floyd's police-related death in May, Black Lives Matter leaders and protesters called for the toppling of statues, from Confederate symbols to former U.S. presidents and abolitionists. Activist Shaun King called for all images depicting Jesus as a "White European" and his mother to be torn down because they're forms of "White supremacy" and "racist propaganda." Why aren't these thugs being hauled off to jail for inciting violence and rioting? And now churches are being burned.
  16. Floyd was no sweetheart, that's for sure, but if you want to bring up history that may have caused his death, don't leave out history of the guy that killed him. [Hidden Content] I can just about guarantee you that there are lots of cops that said "Well, kinda saw that coming". Chauvin is apparently a cop that made plenty of bad decisions, too bad one of them ended with a death.
  17. I guess young white female lives don't matter.
  18. God takes care of that in Romans 1: 19-20
  19. Nothing new, but Obama set them bar very high in numbers.
  20. She had a really helpful partner.
  21. Very sorry about your friend, but I was talking about a situation where someone is placed in a situation I described involuntarily. I understand the toxicology report may be unable to put any direct blame on Chauvin and also that Floyd put himself in a bad spot by his own actions. I also believe if any other cop would have showed up that day, Floyd would most likely still be alive.
  22. Maybe no way to prove in court but you’ll never convince me that was likely the day Mr. Floyd would pass without Chauvin showing up and killing him. If an overweight man that has diabetes and high blood pressure is forced by someone to run 5 miles and in the process dies of a heart attack, does the lab chalk it up to heart failure and move on?
  23. I wonder if the conversation would be different on here if everyone commenting owned a business...I’m sure it would. Easy to say shut everything down if you’re still drawing a paycheck. Let things open back up, if you’re at risk, quarantine. Personally, I’m not worried about getting the virus, I’ll get sick (maybe) and get over it.
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