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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I couldn't agree more. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. ― Edmund Burke
  2. [Hidden Content] More outstanding policies from the Democrats. If allowed, these folks are going to ruin this great country.
  3. Maybe I should find a more efficient way to waste time on the internet.
  4. One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a classic.
  5. Jeremiah Johnson No Country for Old Men Last of the Mahicans
  6. I'd love to see this man get his justice, some anyway. He'll never get back what they took from him.
  7. [Hidden Content] Can't control a mob, let's see how long the lefties continue their support for the downtrodden protesters.
  8. His response showed that sometimes we take action against wrongdoings and we don't always stay in the passive mode. I agree on the eye for an eye response, His was a response of justice, not revenge.
  9. Byrd was a hard core card carrying KKK member that was loved and embraced by the Democrats for decades. In case anyone didn’t know.
  10. Uh Oh 😬
  11. I agree with that but my point was that originally, the statue elimination foolishness was about removing only statues or monuments that were deemed racially insensitive by the mobs. Many of us knew the nonsense couldn’t be controlled to such a specific and we’re seeing it now.
  12. [Hidden Content] Like I said earlier, can’t control a mob of maniacs when they get going.
  13. Also to be fair, Jesus made a whip of cords and ran the money changers out of the temple. There is a time for riotous anger and an appropriate response. John 2:13-16
  14. [Hidden Content] Maybe they should change the name to Some Black Lives Matter
  15. You can’t simply say we’re talking about a piece of property. These punk thugs are destroying businesses that have been the livelihood in many cases for generations in families. What kind of toll is it taking on them? I have no problem with the police using whatever force is necessary to stop this madness.
  16. If triggered means correcting the lies you lefties throw out then yeah, I agree.
  17. OUTSTANDING...need to see more of this.
  18. Thanks for stopping by, get back to your rioting.
  19. lol, you’re the only one bringing Obama up.
  20. I'm sure he does, he was quoting Cuomo as if he is the expert on how to handle covid 19...AFTER he caused so many deaths in the nursing homes.
  21. [Hidden Content] It's ok to riot, but don't you dare worship.
  22. [Hidden Content] 120 million dead according to Biden...he's ready to run the country.
  23. Welcome to the world without police...these idiots are not going to be happy if they get what they’re asking for.
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