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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. No such thing as a disciplined mob, this won’t stop by these idiots deciding to stop. It will, at some point, be stopped.
  2. [Hidden Content] Check out the sign with the listed demands. Basically, it wants to defund the cops, let folks out of jail, don't arrest anyone for "survival" (stealing, I guess), and give out free houses and healthcare with the money saved from defunding the cops. Sounds good.
  3. I wonder if a troll could be transformed into a responsible adult?
  4. Just asking a simple question, you want to preach at others about worshiping idols simply because they may have an image of Jesus in their church. When asked if you have a cross in your church (which you probably do) I get a non answer.
  5. No cross in your church?
  6. I don’t think they will handle these idiots with kid gloves like we do.
  7. I also don’t think trying to prove who is more culpable for slavery helps either.
  8. I couldn’t agree more. Somehow, we have to get past the assumption that when one black or white person commits a crime against the opposite race, even if it is racially motivated, that it is a reflection on all.
  9. So you would have no problem if I lectured you about the rioting going on as of you were just as responsible as those that are rioting? She’s talking to white Americans as if we all have the same mindset.
  10. Can’t say this is a surprise...anyone that backs the violence of BLM can’t be a fan of Jesus.
  11. Absolutely right!
  12. smh...done with 12 news...don’t need a lecture from a racist activist that uses fake news to make HER point.
  13. Whether or not to ban white chocolate will be a conundrum.
  14. I’m sure that was PepsiCo’s reasoning behind the brand, to make sure that at least 14% of the population would never buy the product plus anyone else that would be offended by the label. Marketing Genius 101
  15. It would have been justified in this case.
  16. Doesn’t matter what he said, you can’t act like an animal just because someone says something you’re don’t like.
  17. This is the kind of ridiculous crap that will make folks choose sides that never gave this a thought about being racist.
  18. Arrested multiple times very recently on assault and attempted assault charges. No doubt he’ll hit the big time eventually and hurt someone bad or kill them, could have easily been this lady.
  19. Your grandpa would be correct...smh. Waste it anyway
  20. I agree, much of the media feels it’s their responsibility to steer the news rather than just simply report it. There are probably lots of folks nowadays that will have to google Walter Cronkite...lol.
  21. Stelter is the biggest liar on TV. No network is perfect but to compare Fox and CNN as far as credibility...not even close.
  22. Fixing to find out just how much these protesters are willing to stand up for their “cause”.
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