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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. But remember, Democrats don’t support this kind of stuff.
  2. This Roger Stone trial is as corrupt as the Mueller crap, if not even more. Nothing like this should happen to anyone in this country.
  3. One of Bernie’s old “consultants”. [Hidden Content]
  4. But Democrats do. [Hidden Content]
  5. Jeremiah 1:5 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
  6. So it would be unethical to kill a baby after the first trimester but before that, no problem? Is it not a baby in the first trimester?
  7. More than likely, along with trans-fats. Abortion on demand and the bathroom of your choosing, however, will still be available choices not to be infringed upon.
  8. On this we can agree.
  9. So is late term abortion...you good with that?
  10. It's official...smh. [Hidden Content] Obama is trying to create a fake legacy but Trump's not having it...from the article: Obama tweeted Monday morning to note the anniversary of his signing the 2009 economic stimulus package. “Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history,” Obama tweeted, alongside a photo of his signature on the bill. But the Trump campaign, in a statement to Fox News, countered that the economy is only recovering because of the actions Trump took to undo his predecessor's policies. “President Trump reversed every single failed Obama-era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy,” Trump campaign national press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said. “Obama and Biden orchestrated the worst economic recovery in modern history.” Isn't it amazing that Obama's policies didn't kick in until Trump took over?
  11. More Bloomberg knowledge for the peasants. [Hidden Content]
  12. I’m sure these sanctuary cities will welcome them with open arms, after all, they’re just tired of doing ICE’s work for them, right?
  13. Makes sense...the hard left is always mad at something/someone, always getting screwed over...just seem to always be in victim mode.
  14. No problem...I always thought it was Reagan until today.
  15. [Hidden Content] From the article: The most lopsided president election in U.S. history was Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1936 victory against Republican Alfred M. Landon. Roosevelt won 98.5 percent or 523 of the 538 electoral votes up for grabs that year. Republican Ronald Reagan won the most electoral votes of any president in history, 525. But that was after seven more electoral votes were added to the prize. His 525 electoral votes represented 97.6 percent of all 538 electoral votes.
  16. Really? [Hidden Content] If you’re going to argue your side, you should really know what it is.
  17. They are not saying that. They are providing sanctuary for illegals to shield them from ICE. Many on the left are in favor of getting rid of ICE completely.
  18. [Hidden Content] From the article: Kennedy published a paper on the subject titled "'Whenever there's trouble. Just yelp for help': Crime, Conservation and Corporatization in Paw Patrol." In an interview with London Morning's Rebecca Zandbergen, Kennedy said the depiction of the state and local government officials like Mayor Humdinger and Mayor Goodway are "portrayed negatively." "Mayor Humdinger is portrayed as unethical or corrupt. Mayor Goodway as hysterical, bumbling, incompetent," he noted. In addition, Kennedy takes issue with the "Paw Patrol" organization as a "private corporation" acting as a stand-in for a government-funded police force. "That's problematic in that the 'Paw Patrol' creators are sending this message that we can't depend on the state to provide these services," he told Zanbergen. lol and smh at the same time.
  19. [Hidden Content] From the article: With 87 percent of precincts reporting, Trump secured more than 120,000 votes in the Granite State. In 2012, Obama managed just 49,080 total votes in New Hampshire. The gap between the two presidents is likely to increase as more precincts report their totals Wednesday. It also dwarfs the total of other incumbent presidents: then-President George W. Bush received 53,962 votes in the largely-uncontested GOP primary in New Hampshire in 2004. And in 1996, incumbent President Bill Clinton received 76,797 votes in New Hampshire's primary.
  20. Hmmmm....this statement obviously has sinister undertones.
  21. But wouldn’t you say it indicates that Democrat controlled sanctuary cities are not against illegal immigration?
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