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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I thought so, but let's see if any of our friends on the left agree.
  2. [Hidden Content] Party over integrity for the Washington Democrats, but we knew that already.
  3. Missed my point completely about simply shutting our economy down...read Smashmouth's post, excellent points. And you don't really think we only have 600,000 infected, do you?
  4. [Hidden Content] Largest gathering of losers cancelled by coronavirus...what a shame.
  5. [Hidden Content] I guess we should continue funding an organization that played a major role in allowing coronavirus to explode...smh.
  6. Agree 100%...welfare, under good intentions or not, has destroyed countless lives and families. Sadly, it's used as a political tool simply for votes, even when the results are very clear.
  7. Not eating fruit bats until I run out of ribeyes and pork chops. 🙂
  8. They need a new guy...this doom and gloomer has morphed from a medical doctor into a lying politician before our eyes in the last 2 months.
  9. Neil Young can remember, a southern man don’t need him around, anyhow. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  10. Agree, this Fauci is a doom and gloomer on steroids. Get someone in there that is using reason more than emotion.
  11. I’m good with the social distancing concept and promoting hygiene that folks should have been doing before. No need to shut down all these restaurants and businesses IMO, just take precautions. I have continued to work as well as lots of other folks in areas where there are lots of folks together with no problems. What we shouldn’t do is allow the gov to step in with garbage original predictions of up to 250,000 dead in the US and shut everything down. We could ban all motor vehicles in the US and save 38,000 deaths by vehicles per year but what would be the cost? We can handle this without shutting our country down .
  12. The CDC estimates there were 39,000,000 - 55,000,000 cases of flu last season...quite a range of error. Did they have that many tests? no Your numbers are based on their poor guesses, just like the numbers we are seeing with covid 19, bad guesses on poor models. Is this something to be concerned about, yes. Should we wreck our economy over best guesses from the so called experts that have a wide range of opinions, no.
  13. Rule to live by...never take advice from a Democrat.
  14. This may actually pull the post office out of debt.
  15. [Hidden Content] The China covering man with blood on his hands wants to threaten Trump because he's afraid of losing his funding...smh.
  16. I wouldn't think the WHO director would do anything like this deliberately, but he shows himself to be incompetent or irresponsible or both in how he handled the situation in China early on. He is nothing but a thug ( as many International group leaders are) that has no business in this position. The WHO played a big part in downplaying the seriousness of the situation under the leadership of this idiot. I don't blame Trump, I wouldn't give them another dime until this guy is gone. [Hidden Content]
  17. Time to pull the ripcord on this one.
  18. [Hidden Content] From the article: China's efforts to rebrand itself as a global leader focused on humanitarian relief amid the coronavirus outbreak has hit a major snag and perhaps revealed Beijing's true intentions behind their public relations blitz. After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy, China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment, according to a report. What's worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people.
  19. We have become a country that has an increasing number of people that want to look to the fed gov for all answers, and to take it a step further, you have loons like this one that want to look for answers to our problems (Trump) from the global community...good grief!
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