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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. They are fiscally responsible for the country’s well being. Shouldn’t you know how they handle their money? I actually don’t care about seeing any of it, none of mine or your business. This is all about hating Trump anyway.
  2. If you are a freeloading taker that never pays your way anyway, you would have no idea if insurance rates go up. Zero liability!
  3. Happy Thanksgiving and prayers to all affected by the explosions.
  4. So you think social security is a good thing? I could have retired 10 years earlier if the fed gov hadn’t stole that money from me.
  5. Do all congressmen and senators turn in their tax statements?
  6. My insurance went up as well as a direct result of the “affordable” health care act. It was not good for anyone that was actually paying for their own insurance.
  7. Words have meaning...true story.
  8. lol
  9. This is the most important math to most folks. Of course there are some that would welcome a disaster like Obama back simply because he’s black, which is sad. [Hidden Content]
  10. This is the evidence...this one pathetic little post?
  11. Why can't he just be more like maxine waters? We'd follow him anywhere. By the way, irascible...nice. 😊
  12. Feelings, emotions, so called good intentions with disastrous results, that’s what it has always been about for the Democrats.
  13. 😂
  14. Sondland says Hunter Biden's position seems to be a conflict of interest. He better watch out, he'll get put on the Democrat hit list with truths like that.
  15. [Hidden Content] From the article: Sondland testified: “I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement" of investigations. He said he never personally heard Trump discuss preconditions. And at one point, he confirmed Trump told him, "I want nothing." WOW, how can Trump survive this?
  16. With what, our kid's and grandkid's futures? No, thanks.
  17. Great question...Republicans many times don't have the guts to rock the boat on issues like this. Trump, however, could care less about how it's "always been done around here" and has no problem rocking the boat. That's why many have come to appreciate him and why he'll be re-elected without any problem. You seem quick to blame Republicans for everything but won't dare criticize your own party, even when the corruption is very obvious.
  18. Show us exactly what is incorrect in his reporting.
  19. Good stuff...keep it coming.
  20. Rudy is the key to the madness? 😂
  21. Baddog, you must realize we are trying to convince this to the same folks that think we still need a whistleblower deep state spy, when we have an actual transcript.
  22. I did, you seem to think Joe having someone fired to protect his crooked dunce son is somehow furthering US policy. Trump trying to uncover a corrupt VP that used the cabinet position to further his boy’s career is US policy.
  23. Have you not seen the video of Joe himself bragging about doing exactly this?
  24. Come on now...you have never seen the voting issues that always happen in close races in heavily Democrat areas? Democrats hate a fair playing field.
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