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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I agree, it’s not folks on here that worry me.
  2. Take the time to look at the writer.
  3. Nah, they were actually guilty. You love you some Clintons, don’t you?
  4. Yep...that was his only contribution. I would add “reluctantly” signed.
  5. Clinton was dragged to success kicking and screaming by the new Republican Congress, you know that. President’s agenda should include none of that...that thinking is why we are in the mess we’re in.
  6. Trump has negotiated a better trade deal, the President is not responsible for anyone’s health or education and the budget will never be balanced...especially if another Dem gets elected.
  7. Our sentiments exactly for those supporting this circus.
  8. Soon we’ll find out how tight that noose is.
  9. Well I’ll be dang, UT alum, something we agree on.
  10. Just fact...Obama was no friend to Israel. Surely you already knew that
  11. What economic policies do you feel are best for long term economic health.
  12. One things for sure, God didn’t send Democrats to protect Israel...certainly not Obama.
  13. Are you giddy over possible bad economic news?
  14. No you didn’t ...you are a flat out liar. We all knew that anyway.
  15. Debate doesn’t work unless the other party answers questions...answer the question.
  16. Typical lib...can’t support your ideology.
  17. Answer the question. Stevenash asked you a question...can you provide an answer?
  18. Answer the question.
  19. I thought you were a multi-million dollar investment manager...why would you need more sources than what I would think you would have readily available?
  20. Libs would believe that if Bill said it.
  21. Social media spreads misinformation and causes confusion every day. It’s very easy because you libs are so easily misinformed, confused and unstable. The evidence is that you still think there was collusion.
  22. Leading the Paris Accord...seriously? It’s a joke and a sham, and should be treated as such.
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