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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Posted this earlier...deserved it’s own thread.
  2. I'm pulling for Jose Maria Olazabal...sleeper.
  3. [Hidden Content] Cream of the Democrat crop.
  4. And all the libs say....... crap!
  5. I know the term is thrown around a lot, but she is actually an idiot.
  6. And that rating is due to what he has actually accomplished, not because he's a smooth talking teleprompter reader talking about what he won't/can't accomplish.
  7. [Hidden Content] The next election may take care of her and save Pelosi the trouble of having to deal with it.
  8. You sleep better and don’t feel slimy when you stay away...so why are you back? I would ask you to list all these lies and distortions, but I know it’s a waste of time.
  9. More than likely injured while diving for a t-shirt...smh.
  10. What's pathetic is this good news is bad new for the Dems. It amazed me to watch the media talking heads actually showing disappointment on air when they realized the Mueller report found no collusion. The Dems only care about being in power...they couldn't care less about the welfare of this country...unless welfare is a bloated program that tosses out crumbs in exchange for votes.
  11. Hopefully, we never get the US that the Dems are working so hard to create.
  12. He talks about Democrat’s delusions, one of which is... ...from the article: “The first,” he writes in an op-ed in the Omaha World-Herald, “is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives.” Great line.
  13. 29 years old...very sad. Prayers and strength for his wife and daughter and family.
  14. Well, if you need help with a scam, je$$e is the go to guy.
  15. He’s trying to spend lots of money on defense and border security, you know, those things the Constitution calls for and you Dems hate so much. All Republican Presidents have to spend lots of money on defense following a Democrat, you know that.
  16. I agree...it was dumb....and unnecessary. I repeat... Nonfarm payrolls expanded by 196,000 and the unemployment rate held steady at 3.8%. Makes it less important.
  17. No need...I’m sure you’re already aware of the difference.
  18. So...a list of one? You know we could fill this forum up with a list of Dem perverts.
  19. Not defensive at all, just trying to school you...pay attention.
  20. Give me a list of the Republican sexual weirdos.
  21. Wouldn’t matter if it happened all the time as long as we can see these results. Try to put your wallet ahead of your little feelings.
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