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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. From the article: "Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don't turn this ship around and so it's basically like, there's a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult," Ocasio-Cortez said while chopping up food in her kitchen during an Instagram live video. "And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, 'Is it okay to still have children?'" consensus = opinion That's all we keep getting from the global coolers warmers. Once again, she shows she is a dunce.
  2. Whenever the Republicans bring up tax cuts or Heaven forbid, cutting a program’s funding (or simply increasing it less), the Dems scream about throwing Grandma off the cliff or taking food out of kid’s mouths. I agree the Republicans cave but the Dems would spend is into ruination if given the chance to govern unchecked.
  3. lol...msnbc, unlike Fox, their motto is “we report, we decide.”
  4. Show me some fiscal responsibility with Democrat policies. You can’t...latest evidence being the green deal that has Dems lining up to endorse it.
  5. Typical...all for something until it is explained to them...can’t seem to muster the initiative to look into it for themselves.
  6. That’s where you’re wrong...the deficit is never an issue with Democrats.
  7. No idea that there has been falsified data? hmmmmmmm
  8. You should have provided a “scientific paper” based on falsified data provided by the fed gov. You would have had him hook, line and sinker.
  9. He better pray he never winds up in general population...justice can get served in many ways.
  10. Well, thank you for not blaming conservatives, especially since it’s the liberals that engage in this race baiting nonsense almost exclusively.
  11. It doesn’t matter, the world is going to end soon anyway.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. [Hidden Content] What are they thinking over at cnn trying to hire someone with another viewpoint?
  15. [Hidden Content] I would be surprised if she gets re-elected...I could see the DNC not even providing funding for her.
  16. I asked you for specifics...what has he done that makes him a clear and present danger? Give me a list.
  17. UT alum, can you specifically list the actions Trump has taken that make him a clear and present danger?
  18. You won’t catch him standing in one. Socialism is for the people, not the socialist.
  19. Prayers for the family and all involved...especially first responders dealing with this as Hoops pointed out. My Lord, some stories you wish you never read.
  20. Agree...but it’s not even close by comparison.
  21. Where was that said?
  22. I actually do, or at least a more reasonable rate than we presently have...a company that employs thousands of folks provides plenty of taxes. Money in the private sector is much more productive than money that goes to the fed gov. And don’t say I am in favor of no taxes...not what I said. By the way...nice deflection.
  23. 3.5 billion dollars...that would have more than covered the Amazon New York “lost” money...lol. She is such a dunce.
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