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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I'm in...they could even put an el-chapo plaque on it.
  2. You seem to think the investigation is still about collusion when even Democrats know it isn’t anymore, you don’t seem to be aware of the Muslim issues in Europe that they are acknowledging. Don’t care how many channels you watch, lol, but whichever ones you are watching seem to keep you ignorant of what’s going on. By your one channel shot I’m guessing you’re in the hate Fox crowd without even knowing why. Try it, at least you’ll maybe figure out the collusion investigation is nonsense.
  3. Do you watch any news at all?
  4. Thanks for the answer...you’ve actually provided a little insight on how the Dems can have success.
  5. How many Democrats did not applaud when Trump stated that this country would never become socialist? Who’s really drinking the government provided kool-aid?
  6. Tell me how the verses you read are taken out of context. Give your interpretation of them.
  7. That’s actually what I was getting at...I’m tired of the attempts to compromise with Democrats (which usually means Republicans cave) and I’m ready for them to engage in an outright gutter brawl.
  8. No problem...have at it.
  9. If they ever come up with a good idea, I’ll reconsider. We need two parties to keep each other in check, but the Dems are over the edge.
  10. Not sure how you got that...I’m saying at the present time the Democrats want to steam us towards socialism and that being the case, I don’t want to see them succeed. By the way, I could actually do without the Democrats, they have no ideas that are good for the country.
  11. Not yet
  12. Obama was a freshman, look how that turned out.
  13. Washington Democrats are without a doubt adversaries that shouldn’t be compromised with, only defeated.
  14. What con did he pull? Surely he’s not smart enough to fool the righteous folks going after him.
  15. I'm using the term "your world" as Democrat politics and the destruction it has brought on this country and continues to bring. (Call it 40 years of paying attention) How can you possibly not know anything about your adversary's world?
  16. Does late term have a different outcome than early term? It's a very simple yes or no question.
  17. Guilty as charged...we walk lock-step in support of a babies right to live. I know your world very well.
  18. Exactly right, AOC graduated from Boston University with an economics degree and she's putting out this utterly ridiculous plan that will NEVER work....doesn't matter to her constituents. What's more scary is the Washington Democrats that are lining up behind it because they know it will get them votes.
  19. What policy? From infancy it's all on the parents, that's another thing myself and many others have miraculously done, raise kids with no help from the gov. In your world, no one has to take responsibility for their actions, the gov will always have their back. The good news for you is your side is winning because the takers are beginning to outnumber the makers. It will be great for the takers until the makers run out of money.
  20. What a shame that the feds refuse to go after the guilty PARTY.
  21. Don't get it...if Mexico is so great, why are they here?
  22. Here's two of them that aren't bashful about speaking their mind...folks better wake up and quit voting these folks in office. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  23. Sorry, it's a major piece of your party platform that you have to own. Don't blame the messenger for repeating your own message.
  24. Republicans aren't responsible for a baby after it's born...the parents are. I know this is a concept that Democrats really struggle with, but it's true. Democrats also like to use this lame argument to make themselves feel better about systematically killing the unborn. And yes, someone's success or failure is on them when they are out in the real world, which is space most libs don't live in.
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