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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] Great idea...you guys keep doing what you're doing...it'll be great to have the House back.
  2. lol...I guess for the entertainment value. Sadly, there are lots with the same mindset.
  3. I think he’s saying there are 3.8 billion slackers.
  4. No doubt, they can circle the wagons like no other.
  5. I was suggesting talking to the farmer as an alternative to a lot of the false information about GMOs out there that have no backing in science. Good debate...I’m fixing to sit down and have a big helping of GMO grits.
  6. There are only 10 crops that are GMO and plenty of non GMO options. There are no ill effects of GMO crops and if we expect farmers to feed the world, we have to have GMO traits going forward. i would suggest you go talk to some farmers to give you their take on GMO crops, the guys that actually deal with the technology.
  7. I feel the same way about the anti GMO arguments.
  8. Nothing wrong with GMO.
  9. Absolutely right, words you hear don’t define you, words you speak do.
  10. Don’t forget murder of the innocent...that’s a biggie for them. I think they call it a choice...just not the choice the innocent would choose if given the chance.
  11. Can’t make this up. Webb handled if perfectly. His show is great...he’s a no-nonsense straight shooter.
  12. So were they really essential?
  13. Why leave it to the SC, it’s laid out very clearly. Too many folks assume they are just too ignorant (not dumb) to understand the Constitution...without ever even reading it. As far as the healthcare mess, you’re proving my point. The fed gov is not capable of efficiently managing the program. But for some reason you seem to want the same folks creating the mess to be the ones to fix it. Classic lefty handbook material...yes, we broke it, but we’re the only ones that can fix it.
  14. The dems won’t like having all these judges legislating from the bench according to the Constitution.
  15. We heard it all the time about Bush and now about Trump. Only difference was, none of Hitler’s quotes lined up with what they said. Fake news
  16. The alternative is the fed gov sticking to the Constitution on the limited powers it has and the states handling the rest. I don’t want my fed taxes paying for healthcare, planned parenthood, education, the list goes on and on. The fed gov was given limited powers on purpose in the Constitution. Libs like Obama disagree and call it a “Charter of negative liberties”. That flawed mindset has us trillions of dollars in debt due to spending on bloated ineffective programs that are too large to manage and keep out corruption.
  17. So you think a hamburger joint that employs 50 folks can just somehow absorb that increase without (1) laying folks off, (2) raising prices or (3) somehow magically selling more burgers?
  18. So you do trust the fed gov to decide what is best for the public good and you also trust them to define what is "selfish" as far as what one needs?
  19. [Hidden Content] From the article: On the whole, the study estimates, the average low-wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the hike in the minimum.
  20. Are you referring to the large metropolitan area Beaumont westend?
  21. How did you come up with that number? You are right, the free market would adjust, but the adjustment may mean laying off employees or not being able to hire young folks just starting out OR it may adjust by causing a business to close the doors. That’s what happens when folks throw out baseless minimum wages that were never intended for anyone to live off of.
  22. Obviously global warming.
  23. UT alum, can you give me an answer on these two questions?
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