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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. His job should be done at the state level. No need for the fed gov to have that much control and power. And have no doubt, it is all about control and power, and so many buy into the nonsense that the fed gov is the answer to all our problems.
  2. Aren’t you pleased that Trump is having so much success for the Country?
  3. Research shows that conservatives are drawn to the truth, reflected by the success of Fox.
  4. Don’t even know how we got here from my comment.
  5. [Hidden Content] So at least Pelosi is honest, no wall no matter how many facts are presented, simply because it’s Trump’s idea. This is the typical mode of operation for the modern Democrat, so to suggest these loons can be compromised with is ridiculous. mental disorder.
  6. Are we still in that downward spiral?
  7. It's a shame that this is bad news to many because of who accomplished it.
  8. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content] From the article: She added, "Generationally, that would not be language I would use, but nonetheless, I don’t think we should make a big deal of it." The days of compromise are over...Democrats have become unhinged.
  10. Finish the statement...he said he was proud to shut down the gov for border security. Post links...no one wants to read what you recall with you own spin on it. That’s a Bluedove tactic.
  11. Yeah, that's the reason for the wall push. Exhibit B...keep them coming, it's fun.
  12. Yep...sad that he was begging for Trump’s help earlier and after being elected, comes out with this garbage. Even his own niece is slamming him for this move. He should have run as a Democrat if that’s what he wants to be.
  13. [Hidden Content] Romney will soon be the new Republican media darling...they'll all point to how wise he is, unless he ever runs for President.
  14. Why associates should stay hidden - Exhibit A.
  15. I'll go ahead and answer...Democrats.
  16. The latimes editorial board doesn’t like the wall...shocking. I’m not even sure what point you were trying to make on the other post. Physical barriers work and have been working for a long time. If Obama would have proposed the wall, the latimes and you would be praising the idea, that’s what is sad about all this nonsense.
  17. Let’s get rid of all walls and fences...they obviously don’t work or serve a good purpose. Do you tealize how silly that sounds? Walls and fences work...the White House, Vatican, Fort Knox .... By opposing the tax cuts, you must believe the fed gov deserves and can spend that money wiser than the people that actually earn the money. smh Our problem is with spending in the government, not with too many tax cuts.
  18. I always use reason and logic in my posts. If you disagree, post proof to show otherwise. Sorry if I offended you by calling you out on your ridiculous post.
  19. Very well reasoned response to back up your point.
  20. No problem...less than 5 months of food stamps...AND it’s one of the few things that the fed gov is Constitutionally responsible for...National Security.
  21. Who are providing the sanctuary cities? Republicans or Democrats?
  22. No it shouldn’t. Trump is asking for less money for the wall than we spend in one month on food stamps. Border security is a Constitutional responsibility...food stamps aren’t.
  23. No Democrats have...in fact, many of them want to provide sanctuary from said laws.
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