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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Comes in handy I guess, lose an election and magically find uncounted votes in a car trunk, closet, whatever. Sad when integrity hamstrings you.
  2. I posted earlier that I have no idea why she is still employed. Obviously because the county is very corrupt.
  3. It's coming, it's just a matter of time.
  4. We could send some Texans down there to help them. Seriously, it seems the state would crack down on these perennial problems from a few counties.
  5. I was under the assumption that you had a deadline (I've heard 48 hours referenced about Florida) and if you can't get your votes in by then, it's over. Seems reasonable to me. Any other way swings the door wide open for cheating.
  6. I bet CNN would cover that story.
  7. How the heck is Brenda Snipes still working down there? We're moving closer and closer to hanging chad time.
  8. His life isn't ruined because the Dems picked the wrong guy to run through their grinder. If he would have said to heck with this and dropped out, his career would have been ruined because he would have been perceived as guilty. His life wasn't ruined because of his character and follow through, not that the pathetic Dems on the approval committee didn't give it their best shot.
  9. No response from Kountzer, typical.
  10. People like you need to get on your knees and ask forgiveness for supporting a party that endorses systematically killing the unborn. And I do like guns...I would like to see a lot of good guys carrying which would stop a lot of this nonsense. Banning guns like your party wants to do won’t save lives...not that you seem to be too concerned about saving lives anyway, especially the very young ones.
  11. Something else for Dems to be proud of.
  12. Democrats embrace Farrakhan and there is history and plenty of evidence. They never distance themselves from him so he’s one of yours. Haven’t heard them calling him out on the death to America so they must agree. Your turn...how does this make me proud of the shooting?
  13. Explain you reasoning here if you can.
  14. Onomastics...lol. You're just showing off now.
  15. [Hidden Content] Wishing her a speedy recovery but I would also like to see a speedy retirement.
  16. I thought you might like that.
  17. On the bright side, an economy run by Democrats will eventually shut down illegal immigration.
  18. Just about anything would be better than watching that clown melt down.
  19. Agree...this is looking like a good time for some gridlock.
  20. Replaced by Shark Tank reruns...lol.
  21. Barely, but there are a lot of red counties to count.
  22. It’s almost like it was fake news.
  23. White mass murderers account for hundreds. Abortion numbers are in the tens of millions. But hey, this is from someone who equates 1875 to now racially...lol.
  24. Agree. What would you call those that are voting for her or her ilk?
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