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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. No doubt about it, can't simply look at the candidate and their capabilities, gotta look at the machine backing them. That's why the "cake walk" claims by folks that just don't know are ridiculous, democrats never provide a cake walk.
  2. That's all you got? Comparing Afghanistan, which biden was 100% responsible for to 1-6, which Trump was 0% responsible for is what you base your morally superior stance on? Plus, it took you two election cycles to become enlightened to this fact? Sorry, Bud, your preaching carries about as much weight as Benny Hinn, remember, you voted for Trump as many times as anyone else on the planet, and I wouldn't be surprised if you voted for him again.
  3. So how are you doing the right thing? According to you, you have looked the other way, TWICE! So now, you can take the high road and somehow tell us that voting for Willie Brown's girlfriend (highlight of her resume) is somehow morally superior to voting for a man that did a good job as President? Surely even you know how ridiculous that is...and I think you do,.
  4. Kamala's resume in a nutshell.
  5. She made an absolute mess of the border, it amazes me the level of incompetence democrats are willing to put up with in their leadership.
  6. [Hidden Content] Folks trying to get in illegally before the adults take over.
  7. She won’t achieve energy independence, she won’t produce low unemployment rates among minorities and she’s proven that she will(has) made a mess of the border. Like most libs, you live in lala land. She’s a walking disaster.
  8. Says the guy backing the political whore.
  9. Can’t blame that on Dinesh D'Souza, lol.
  10. I can almost hear the gnashing of teeth, lol.
  11. You’re flat out lying and you know it, the list has been posted, won’t waste my time posting it again. Come November, you can finally get your revenge and vote AGAINST Trump, lol.
  12. And biden is a saint, I get it.
  13. I have no affection for a politician, it’s not personal, unlike you. It’s like Trump gave you a wedgie in middle school and you can’t move past it.
  14. You’re going to be so disappointed. If Trumps loses, we can weather another horrible democrat, we just did it. What I fear we won’t weather are voters that vote based on emotion or handouts, that can’t be sustained. One thing’s for sure, when Trump is out of the picture, your life will, without a doubt, be so much better. lol
  15. I guess so, nice having someone else pay off your student loan.
  16. Even a bigger threat than climate change? Come on, man!
  17. Swing voters=voters with no core values. Once again, our biggest problem, and isn’t going away.
  18. If we’re comparing the parties based on values and truth, there is no comparison. I guess the antics of creating false documents to prosecute your opposition bother me much more than rude behavior, sadly many voters don’t have a clue to what I’m even talking about. That’s our real problem.
  19. And this behavior from the left will continue long after Trump is gone.
  20. So what did he do to make the Clinton campaign make up the Steele dossier? Was that caused by his own actions? What a ridiculous take, smh.
  21. That’s the reason I say we are doomed, long after Trump is gone, these swing voters that vote on emotion or on what they can get out of their country will still be here, there won’t be a Trump around to blame their bad choices on.
  22. What I am above is placing what you call childish behavior above the good of the country. What is sad is that once Trump is gone, those same folks will still be voting on emotion and their hurt little feelings and still will be unable to discern the best choice for the country. I think you know I don’t include you in this group and think you will put results over personality. And yes, some of the clowns on here will pull insulting sarcasm out from time to time, lol.
  23. Not sure why these political geniuses aren’t relaying this invaluable information to the RNC and save our country.
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