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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. It’s what libs do...they’re very good at it.
  2. lol...they're ruining Colorado as we speak. They hate California but want wherever they end up to be just like California.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. What if Roseanne had said that about Ivanka...she would be giggled at and still have her show. No doubt about it.
  5. Not sure what this has to do with my statement, which is, by the way, 100% correct. Anyone that didn't know who Valerie Jarrett was and voted for Obama is a low information voter. She's his Oz behind the curtain.
  6. Anyone that doesn’t know who the woman is that Roseanne tweeted about and voted for Obama, is a certified low information voter. Conservatives are very aware of who she is...surprise, surprise.
  7. I was reading this earlier and had the same thoughts. You could fill an entire forum with stories just like this one.
  8. Or this guy [Hidden Content]
  9. That is most likely their fix...what they really need up there are some conservatives.
  10. [Hidden Content] Like this guy was. The liberals one-sided fake outrage is really pathetic.
  11. [Hidden Content] From the article: The city’s recently enacted minimum wage law is also having an impact on the housing problem. In 2014, Seattle’s extremely progressive City Council attempted to regulate prosperity by instituting a $15 minimum wage, to be gradually phased in. Business owners warned about the economic impact the move would have, but not one person on the City Council listened. All voted for the job-killing regulation, showing no one on the Council has a basic understanding of economics. This year the full $15 per hour minimum wage went into effect, but the impact was felt much earlier. A University of Washington team completed a study of worker pay, hours and benefits in Seattle last and found the law was a net loss for workers. The study concluded: “Our preferred estimates suggest that the Seattle Minimum Wage Ordinance caused hours worked by low-skilled workers (i.e., those earning under $19 per hour) to fall by 9.4% during the three quarters when the minimum wage was $13 per hour, resulting in a loss of 3.5 million hours worked per calendar quarter. Alternative estimates show the number of low-wage jobs declined by 6.8%, which represents a loss of more than 5,000 jobs.” Keep in mind this was before the full impact of the $15 per hour minimum wage could be felt, as the law only became fully implemented this year. The situation is going to get worse in Seattle.
  12. Aren’t there some posters on here that are fans of his?
  13. Most likely all of the above.
  14. Dems are such tortured souls.
  15. This will be just another day at Starbucks with their new policy in place.
  16. Prayers and strength for the Griffith family.
  17. You know it...very doubtful that the nfl was suddenly overcome with Patriotism.
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. From the article: Drugs - including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and other 'psychoactive substances' - are banned from the event. Just wait.
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