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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. None at all.
  2. Yes, I am...100%.
  3. And you just can’t wait until we get ours, right? Your religion has a strange form of evangelism.
  4. Nope, but didn’t think it could get worse than big girl...lol.
  5. So, no, you can’t back up your statement. Typical lib.
  6. You made a statement that Chic-fil-A had controversial views on this and that and I simply asked you to explain. You came up with a lame excuse for not being able to back up your statements AGAIN by saying you were pushed into a corner. If you don’t want to debate, why post? So, can you answer the question and back up your statement or not?
  7. So if that’s not controversial, what are the “this and that” views you referred to?
  8. Truly a mental disorder.
  9. No, it’s not...you should keep that in mind.
  10. Whose calender are you going by...and I have read it, by the way.
  11. Someone's gonna be very happy.
  12. Same old story...Republicans want to push Grandma off the cliff, take food out of kid's mouths, blah, blah, blah. We are becoming a nation that EXPECTS the gov to provide all our needs. Dems have figured out how to cater to this dependency by promising to provide just enough crumbs to get their vote.
  13. It really is.
  14. Abortion = a dead child, period. You want to argue about responsibilities after the child is born, fine. There are plenty of volunteer organizations and churches that provide support. Go join up with one.
  15. Very classy lady...a life well lived.
  16. Yep, and Bush...Cowboys. (which is a good thing)
  17. Explain this madness...just a short list. Top 5 Trump actions that account for his "madness".
  18. We're a very, very large group.
  19. North Korea or Iran will be 1st whenever possible, contrary to what the left would have you believe (which many do) that Trump is the REAL danger.
  20. It is offensive...but Christians and conservatives handle being offended like big boys and girls and let it go. Libs, on the other hand, demand that something must be done if they are offended (can't take up for themselves, I assume). I am so sick of snowflakes and crybabies.
  21. [Hidden Content] Libs can't brainwash if kids are home-schooled...and they can't stand it. From the article: According to 2016 Census data, California now ranks 44th in the union for pre-K through 12th grade education. That’s out of fifty states. I'm sure the failure in California education is simply a lack of funding...just ask any dem.
  22. Secret history books
  23. We're supposed to worship 7 days a week...rest on one. Which day you go to Church will not determine whether or not you go to Heaven. It's the arrogant know it all attitude of some Churches that is a turnoff to non-Christians. Just get them in the door...God will take it from there. (you catch, HE cleans)
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