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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. thinkprogress.org
  2. Not sure about that...he’s made some rulings on “endangered” species that kinda throws up a red flag to me...I’m all about the environment but some go too far, and that goes both ways. Question...Thomas has been criticized for very rarely dissenting by the left and this guy seems to fit the same mold...would that be a concern for you? I wouldn’t want a go along guy on either side.
  3. This was the worst abuse by Congess you have ever seen? Come on, Man! Anyway, worked out...we got a solid conservative instead of a likely environmental whacko.
  4. lol...he approves of the dirtbag that actually does “grab um”...and much more.
  5. Sounding like Reb...a badge of honor.
  6. This seems to get overlooked quite often...kinda like whose policies really caused the housing bubble. Democrat revisionist history.
  7. Can't disagree with this...a post can be made on the board that is significant news and affects both sides, and before you know it, it becomes about black/white somehow. New Tobie and Big Girl are by far, the worst offenders of this on the board...all anyone has to do is read their posts for a while.
  8. You really need to figure out the difference in disagreeing with someone and disliking them. I have family members that I couldn't disagree with more politically (and it makes interesting Holiday table talk ), but it doesn't change how much I like/love them. You gotta get past taking this personally,
  9. They still don't get it...maybe they will after they lose enough money.
  10. You believe Republicans are more responsible for this than Democrats?
  11. It's just news...why does that upset you?
  12. What a shame that no justice was given to the families of the six men who died looking for this man, as well as those that were wounded, some permanently.
  13. [Hidden Content] Powerful message sent here
  14. [Hidden Content] smh
  15. More wisdom from the folks at PMSNBC...lol. I'm sure more folks saw about this on fox than on PMSNBC when it actually happened. [Hidden Content]
  16. I'm the ultimate optimist, I guess.
  17. [Hidden Content] Probably not...nice try, though. 2012 similar results 2008 - Jefferson 51.0%of total votes reported in Jefferson 44,854votes 49.0%of total votes reported in Jefferson 42,877
  18. Let the hurt go.
  19. So Tobie, all that aside, what do you think about what she has to say? Does it influence your opinion of Democrats at all?
  20. Example after example after example after example of posts like this may be the reason many have "left" the board.
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