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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. This is all about your hypocrisy...you call out Trump for grab um comments but not a word from you on any libs perverted behavior. You started it but complain when we call you out on it.
  2. Yes, I do...I just explained it to you. A term made up by your leaders that know mindless followers like yourself will fall in line with their made up crap. Now you know too.
  3. Alt-Right A term used by the democrats and mainstream media to insinuate something sinister about their ideology. Kinda like vast right wing conservative / conspiracy. Doesn't seem to be working, but carry on.
  4. Not sure what you mean by "accepting" an opinion...we all have a right to an opinion, others may choose to disagree, that's OK. I agree folks should know the facts...my post was about the Democrat corruption, and it's factual...all you have to do is read the news.
  5. People also need to realize that the corruption among the Democrats is much worse than the Republicans. Democrats can't even be honest to their constituents about their own platform. Are there problems on both sides...yes. Are the problems on both sides equal...not even close.
  6. Probably a conservative estimate.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Great game...won’t be able to sleep for two hours...lol.
  9. Profits aren’t evil and if greed is the motivation to make money, so be it. Striving to make a profit is the engine that drives this great country. Cue the snowflakes.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Stop listening to that voice in your head...it makes no sense.
  12. Do a little research and blame (or award) the source of the policies. I realize you aren't going to do this but what else is new.
  13. lol...Corker can’t decide if he’s a liberal or conservative...good riddance.
  14. Wow...not even sure snowflake fits here.
  15. Apparently it is in this case.
  16. Those of us that honor the Constitution would simply say he won. Weird, huh?
  17. Seen any of that lately?
  18. [Hidden Content] Tobie, I'm sure you will be pleased with this article since Administration overspending seems to be an issue with you. I don't seem to remember you complaining about this at the time but I'm sure I just don't remember.
  19. Math supremacist countries by ranking [Hidden Content].
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