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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. We can only trust those "official" sites...you know, the ones caught fabricating / fudging data.
  2. You're the one that started the whining about the wall, not me. The promises I'm concerned about about are the ones that affect me, like my insurance going up when I was PROMISED it would go down. Don't get me wrong, I knew he was lying about it when he said it...only the most gullible voter would have believed it.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Speaking of mentally ill... [Hidden Content]
  5. Dems only seem to be concerned about SOME promises...lol.
  6. Your response tells me you are obviously partaking.
  7. Educated doesn't always translate to intelligent.
  8. Patience , Nash...dems always need more time AND money. Remember, results aren't important, only intentions.
  9. This was in another post and I pointed out that this would be a great program for white liberals to give their fair share and bypass the gov. Not expecting ANY takers.
  10. OK...the earth is warming. Is there proof it's man made?
  11. [Hidden Content] We've lost our minds...and our way.
  12. Wouldn't take them long to figure out they have it pretty good here, would it?
  13. Could be traced back to his inflated inauguration crowd numbers.
  14. All they know is it's not America...MUST be better.
  15. You have finally figured out that us conservatives side with other conservatives? Genius! So I'm gonna guess the qualification for you to side with whites are liberal views, right? See how that works.
  16. Sometimes you get what you deserve.
  17. This would be a very effective program for white liberals that are always screaming we don't pay our fair share. Simply give your property away to an impoverished minority...cuts out the fed gov middleman. Wonder if we'll have any takers?
  18. [Hidden Content] It goes with the job...quit your selective whining.
  19. I'll take these results with a few silly video snapshots all day long. And I understand the article tries to make this negative because they are a liberal rag...but they at least acknowledge that it's happening and I knew some of you guys would at least read this stellar publication over Fox. Try as they may to make it other...this is good. [Hidden Content]
  20. Good post...and very accurate.
  21. I would at least give them a chance to "think it over".
  22. About time to break out the fire hoses and rubber bullets.
  23. Wow...compassion (rolleyes) stinks sometimes...problem is, these "activist" idiots think they made some "progress" here. What should have happened is the administrators should have taken that lengthy list of demands and shredded them.
  24. [Hidden Content]
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