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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. LOL or SMH...I'm not sure which would be more appropriate for this post.
  2. The response should be coming from those that disagree with the post. According to you lefties, Reagan's posts should be easy to tear apart...so let's see it.
  3. That is a shame...we're all backwards on this spanking deal now.
  4. I'm betting that didn't turn out too well for you.
  5. Let's not get sidetracked by this...remember that Trump lied about his golf score.
  6. Prayers and strength for this young man and family.
  7. Have at it...you can work on it in between yelling obamacare at town hall meetings.
  8. Obamacare is not popular with folks like myself that had their insurance go up and with less coverage, and there are a lot of us. I couldn't make a town hall meeting because I was working, so you would expect the subsidized freeloaders that could show up to be chanting for obamacare.
  9. Snowflake is definitely an accurate term for folks offended by this nonsense.
  10. Well, I make six, including you. Dumb thread
  11. Never heard of this clown...I guess he thinks someone is interested in his opinion.
  12. He hasn't changed...he's simply the President now. It's you lefties that are losing your minds over this...not Trump.
  13. Don't leave out bovine flatulence.
  14. I wonder what we did to cause this?
  15. Maybe, just maybe, a goober headed loon is the appropriate leader for this cause.
  16. lol...Mr. Moon needs some play-doh.
  17. No, they don't.
  18. If true, what's wrong with that ratio?
  19. Democrats are OK with West Virginia Democrats being members of the Klan, but to join the Republican party, that's crossing the line.
  20. Must have been a thinkprogress.org census.
  21. lol...democrats
  22. Someone has a bad case of Trump derangement syndrome.
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