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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Might be time to quit blaming "bad" cops for everything.
  2. There should also be a very large bar added to the graph that represents Trump's meanie tweets.
  3. That's why the NRA and pro-gun lobbyists are so hesitant to give in even when it seems extreme...give and inch and they will try to take a mile. Once a ban on any device is in place, all that is necessary to ban other devices is make them fit the definition in the legislation.
  4. What is it about, Tobie? Explain to me exactly what are the players kneeling for?
  5. It’s not their right. It is the responsibility of the Federal gov to project our borders and no state has the right to infringe on that responsibility. i am a state’s rights guy and agree with the marijuana example but we can’t allow an invasion of our borders by a state. What if a state decided they wanted to allow Russia to stockpile weapons in it...is this a right they should be allowed?
  6. New Tobie, I challenge you to take race out of your posts. Think you can handle that?
  7. I believe that is true...can you imagine the field day the media would have had if this happened under Bush or Trump?
  8. lol...as always.
  9. Still waiting on the list that makes Trump the worst thing in ages, 2wedge.
  10. I actually had to give Tobie a like on that last statement...it actually made me laugh out loud.
  11. Also strange that it ramped up so sharply after Trump made his remarks...was there a sudden boom in oppression that required extra kneeling after his comments?
  12. So I MUST be an idiot if I disagree...lol. So tell me, why is Trump the worst thing that has happened to this country in ages...give some specific examples. I'm thinking Obamacare is bad, Frank-Dodd is bad, all the scandals under Obama are bad. Let's hear it, what has Trump done to make you say that.
  13. Absolutely...you throw a little ideology in there and it gets all messed up...kinda like religion.
  14. The Constitution is not that difficult to interpret IMO. A brilliant document written by brilliant men that laymen can understand.
  15. Fake news is not defined by the source...it's defined by whether it's fake or not. Nice move, though...right out of the handbook.
  16. Exactly...if I had friends that I found out they had no problem with the James Byrd situation, they wouldn't be a friend I would want. Get real is very good advice here...the argument is ridiculous.
  17. On this we can agree...bad cops should be fired. I just don't think it's an epidemic like some do.
  18. So your opinion of cops is based on this?
  19. The cops didn't stop at Burger King to reward him...a quick snopes check is all it takes. Do you still think hands up, don't shoot was true, too?
  20. Do you respect the good cops...which are almost all of them.
  21. That they may lose their life while doing. Some folks appreciate and respect them for that.
  22. Fox is saying he's in the hospital after found in full cardiac arrest not breathing.
  23. I cracked up too, but one thing's for sure, she is not an RN.
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