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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. You suck at your job so far...make a REAL case for Trump's faults instead of grab um.
  2. He has exposed CNN for what they really are...fake news. I love it!
  3. He ratcheted the program up and allowed major league abuse to flourish. Yep, he now owns it. By the way, your response to every post is almost identical.
  4. And they can't figure out why they are getting crushed.
  5. The field day is ours at the moment, watching the liberal meltdown.
  6. Only folks that feel this way on the board are a few of the libs, so I guess they need to explain this one...good luck on a response.
  7. He didn't start food stamps either...what's your point?
  8. I'm all about creative, but Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla is King!
  9. That's what gets me...libs get so upset about Trump's tweets, but somehow ignore stuff that really matters. I hope they keep it up...it's good for the Republican vote.
  10. And to think it could have been worse...we could have been stuck with Hillary/Bill.
  11. It's easy to start conversations and planning... implementing them is the difficult part.
  12. So are you putting any importance on the comments from a late night host? lol...that's more telling than anything Fallon has to say.
  13. Agree...I would love for the gov to get out of the marriage business. By the way, sounding like Nash is a good thing.
  14. This is worse than the boy named Sue.
  15. As usual, we conservatives have known for years what many of the low information crowd are just now figuring out.
  16. This will be amusing...I'm betting he won't challenge you.
  17. Come one, Dems, tell me why your people would vote against this. Make an argument...tell me why your folks deserve your support...that is, unless you agree with them. If you do, why?
  18. I'm not trying to say anything...I said exactly what I meant. If was a humorous jab at Fee Dee tied in with an earlier post. If you don't get it, that's ok, it wasn't intended for you.
  19. THAT must be your phone wallpaper pic...or possibly a poster on your bedroom wall.
  20. Liberals are what's hurting Seattle...happens everytime they are in charge.
  21. Would the government stress test be administered through Obamacare? That would take years of preparations, billions of dollars and a very well-staffed task force.
  22. lol...trying to get all 10 of their viewers back, I guess.
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