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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The worst team in Omaha...I would say that's still a compliment, right?
  2. Typical conservative reply...the truth.
  3. Just wait until next year, right? ...lol Don't confuse conservatives with liberals, they don't "get" their people to the polls (not even in buses). Obama's policies have been the most effective cause in getting conservatives to the polls.
  4. Come on, Nash, we all know the real problem is CEO salaries...not sure what they are but they're too high.
  5. Would Hillary reach 50%? Thank God, we will never know.
  6. That's the sentiment among most conservatives...not sure why any other conclusion is reached, other than it's politically convenient to claim we all of a sudden don't like him because he's black.
  7. Agree, hope they don't change a thing...they're doing great.
  8. 100% false...and you know it...smh.
  9. And more importantly, it would be great for the American people.
  10. Steps in it every time, doesn't he?
  11. What you obviously missed, Englebert, is that this process is caused by man on Earth, but on Mars, it occurs naturally. UNLESS, as REB has pointed out, someone did smuggle a Briggs and Stratton to Mars.
  12. Exhibit J
  13. That's two fine looking young men.
  14. Only if you don't want to have an "accident".
  15. They would rather have them read "Rules for Radicals". Either way, we know they will read what they are told to read.
  16. Us ain't going away, either.
  17. lol...you put your victim glasses on every time you read something, don't you? If you want to debate, quit going to the unrealistic extreme on every point.
  18. Whether I care or not makes no difference, all I know is the gov Is not the answer. The answer is getting the gov out of the way and letting those evil corporations compete. I would rather see results, not "good intentions ".
  19. What's your proposal...you want to shut the refineries down? I can assure you that if we have refineries and chemical plants, there will be accidents...so what's your solution? All I've seen you do is whine, but I bet you drive a vehicle (or two or three) and use lots of products that contain petroleum.
  20. From the article: Some, however, believe the Obama administration relied on consent decrees too often and sometimes took advantage of vulnerable cities unable to effectively defend themselves against a well-resourced DOJ. “I think a recalibration would be welcome,” said Richard Epstein, a professor at New York University School of Law and a fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, adding that consent decrees should be used in cases where clear, systemic issues of discrimination exist.
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