So you have no real stance...just whatever is "safer".
Whether abortions continue is not the's whether you stood for or against it, that's the question that will have to be answered.
I guess we should legalize heroine injection clinics because the needles will be cleaner and "safer".
You saw no Republicans on here complaining about not repealing the healthcare bill...really? And that isn't even his's the GOPs fault...and I have been critical of them for years, as have others.
Funny how you want to point the finger at what you claim others are doing and you are the one that is actually guilty of it.
Don't worry about what he says...can't hurt anything but your feelings.
That statement couldn't be more obviously haven't listened to Republicans on this board complaining about Republicans.
You are correct about most Democrats.
You got me...I can't do that.
I can show you where God frowns on taking innocent life...which Democrats say is OK in the form of abortion...a "choice", they call it.
That was my spelled out.