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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Move along, citizen...nothing to see here. Now back to grab um, agent orange, O'Reilly, Klannity and Rush. smh
  2. What NY needs here is a good old Democrat like Bull Conner, he would know how to get these folks in line.
  3. lol...no, they don't.
  4. Not sure what any of that has to do with anything I said. There are those on the board that duck out of a debate if not going their way. If you're not one of them, great.
  5. His analogy isn't flawed, it's Constitutional. We are the United "States" of America...and we vote that way. Don't like it, then amend the Constitution.
  6. I work in refineries also...how does Trump want them to go back? What does he want them to go back to? Surely you can back your post up with facts.
  7. The lefties always conveniently drop out when their argument gets TOO hard.
  8. True...but let some white racist whack job kill someone and it's the same threat level. Kinda like the low information crowd that sees no difference in the Israelis and Palestinians.
  9. I agree...lots of low informationTrump haters.
  10. MRC does some great work...the down side is they have to actually watch that crap. Of course, they can use all the help they can get with viewership.
  11. Democrats behaving badly isn't "mainstream" news.
  12. CBS still does news?
  13. That's the liberal logic on everything...it's not working, so we need more.
  14. No doubt...we're used to it.
  15. That's all these libs can spew...how comfortable are you with the "allegations"? Let's not worry about any actual proof. Enough of this nonsense...time to move on.
  16. That was him...great line. No matter how good you are, you're going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are you're going to win one-third of your games. It's the other third that makes the difference.
  17. 12 hours and no response...running?
  18. What a surprise.
  19. I like juicy fruit.
  20. No, he can't tell you why...it's becoming very clear the libs live and breathe talking points...not real facts.
  21. No, he doesn't know.
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