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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Rich liberal fake guilt.
  2. Enough of this nonsense...by the way, did you hear Trump pushed someone at the NATO summit?
  3. From the article: Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, backed the new effort. "This national network, led by working class people of color and immigrants, will supply the power and the fight we need to resist the Trump administration's all-out assault on American values," Ellison told CNN. "I look forward to standing with CPD Action's leaders in the streets and in Congress to win real progressive change." Dems must be so proud of this effort.
  4. Shame on you...you are trampling on sacred Democrat revisionist history...kinda like who caused the housing crisis.
  5. Right 7.07 Libertarian 3.75 Cool quiz.
  6. And they STILL not happy.
  7. I accepted Obama as well, nothing to do about it...even though he was a horrible President. I notice you only call out the right on hateful opinions...lol.
  8. Doesn't matter...just make something up.
  9. It's a step up from the 8 year nightmare we just woke up from.
  10. Prayers and strength for the Reeves family and Kirbyville.
  11. Yes it is...who else is to blame?
  12. Your unquestioned support is appreciated.
  13. He seems to conveniently avoid this point. clinton was/is the creep of all creeps...has to really knaw on dems.
  14. lol...ok
  15. Not at all...there are two separate words in Hebrew that mean kill...one specifically means to "murder". The Bible is full of examples of God's justice that included killing someone that was guilty.
  16. That's not what the Bible says...not the original text, anyway. In the Hebrew, it's interpreted as "Thou shalt not take an innocent life". Abortion is definitely taking an innocent life. The death penalty for a horrendous crime is not...and it's not vengeance, it's justice.
  17. There it is...as if we didn't know.
  18. I thought the same thing...most were ok...some were not. Sad thing is, ANY criticism gets blamed on racism.
  19. Count me in...I have a phobia of being blown up or run over by a large truck.
  20. Don't worry about soros...fear the Koch brothers.
  21. YES!!! WE DON'T CARE!
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