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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. You're not missing anything, including common sense. That's why this crap makes no sense to many...smh.
  2. You could never be mayor of Lumberton, even if you hated Obama...your hatred for white folk is WAY too obvious. What a dumb post...smh.
  3. How terrible...strength and prayers for all.
  4. Great point...it only apply to libs.
  5. I have no idea what that nonsense means.
  6. She's being bashed by the left and being defended by the right, and all you get out of that is she's being used by the right as a token. smh
  7. Why do you vote for Democrats? Be specific, nothing needs to be said about Republicans. Give me the policies of Democrats you feel worthy of voting for.
  8. I agree, and that's the problem...too many folks in this country want someone that will "advance their cause" when they should simply vote for someone that will allow the private sector to flourish so they have the opportunity to advance their own cause. And "advance their cause" usually means taking something from someone else in order to advance it.
  9. Must be tough to support policies you can't / won't / are ashamed to defend in public.
  10. Sure there are...winning.
  11. She might be...would there be something wrong with that?
  12. Not even close.
  13. Maybe Fox will pick it up.
  14. So Woods shot back: Hard to say "I love you, Mom" from a medical waste dumpster... #DefundPP [Hidden Content] — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) May 15, 2017 A very graphic illustration of the result of a planned parenthood visit.
  15. It's a real shame nobody was assaulted or no police cars were crapped on...they could have run with that story for weeks. The left should take notes on how to peacefully protest.
  16. There is no magic number...libs will never be satisfied with any compromise, I wish Republicans would quit trying. They need to be defeated, not compromised with.
  17. Job creators have always been unpopular with the loafers...pressures them to quit loafing.
  18. Wow! Very sad mentality.
  19. And there are liberals in this country that will agree and sympathize with them...THAT'S what we are battling against.
  20. No answer...hmmmm.
  21. Will do...I try to give all lady drivers a wide berth...lol.
  22. We get lots of practice in Jefferson County.
  23. Yep...when you got nothing else...
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