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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Do you eat chicken...major league scavenger.
  2. Break out the Play-Doh.
  3. It is what it is...the social media shot-callers are super libs, super pc, or both. Folks like Malkin are the real danger with their "hate" speech.
  4. Wait, I thought no entitlements went to illegals...how can this be?
  5. lol on that one.
  6. Exhibits E, F, G, H and I...I'm gonna have to start writing this down...too many.
  7. Exhibit D
  8. And you still can't provide a list of racist statements Hannity has made.
  9. [Hidden Content] Another Hollywood idiot opens his mouth and removes all doubt. I wonder if he would have said this was "no big deal" if the same had been done to Obama...doubtful.
  10. As long as they enforce the law as it stands, they are allowed their opinion. It's when they begin ruling by opinion, rather than the law, that we have a problem. (Which is actually happening in many cases) I do have a problem with them voicing their opinion from the bench, even if they ruled correctly.
  11. Possibly, or isis will start whacking imams and get them back in line.
  12. LOL...Trump just HAS to be guilty...we just don't have any proof yet.
  13. LOL...so Trump is the piece of work for saying he will let her off, not Hillary for the emails?
  14. "So far" being the scary part.
  15. Move along, citizen...nothing to see here. Now back to grab um, agent orange, O'Reilly, Klannity and Rush. smh
  16. What NY needs here is a good old Democrat like Bull Conner, he would know how to get these folks in line.
  17. lol...no, they don't.
  18. Not sure what any of that has to do with anything I said. There are those on the board that duck out of a debate if not going their way. If you're not one of them, great.
  19. His analogy isn't flawed, it's Constitutional. We are the United "States" of America...and we vote that way. Don't like it, then amend the Constitution.
  20. I work in refineries also...how does Trump want them to go back? What does he want them to go back to? Surely you can back your post up with facts.
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