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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The pot wants nothing to do with obamacare...you and yours own that, kettle.
  2. But Trump should be able to repeal and replace obamacare by himself, without ANY help, or he's a liar, right? Talk about ignoring facts.
  3. Your wish has come true...obamacare may stay intact. The work of the Dems (and Dems only) will be on full display...as if we haven't already seen it for years in welfare. It amazes me that Dems are so happy with pathetic...as long as it was crafted by a Dem.
  4. Usually start with Fox, but google to see how others report and if different, why. When I say Fox, I don't mean Hannity, O'Reilly, or Kelly...I mean the hard news, internet, not a TV fan...although I like Brett Baird. I simply don't trust CNN anymore.
  5. I agree...that's the most overused reason to dodge a debate by the libs...even if the source is very reputable. Liberalism is very hard to defend, but c'mon...make an effort...don't kill the messenger.
  6. But CNN and ABC don't...lol.
  7. This was my first post on here..." Sadly, if true, this won't hurt Facebook." Naive is thinking your favorite news outlets are the champions of vetting.
  8. We're just pointing out how naive you are about your news outlets and vetting.
  9. Come on over, you would be surprised how many you would know more than. There are folks over there that think folks that go to Wal-Mart and vote are inferior to them.
  10. Are you talking about Dan Rather and George Bush, or CNN's handling of Zimmerman? Are these the reputable news organizations you are talking about?
  11. Exactly right. Obamacare is a disaster (just like welfare), as are all the programs from the dems. When it gets bad enough, the voters will purge the rinos just like they have been purging the dems and then it can be repealed.
  12. As credible as they get. [Hidden Content]
  13. From the article...and this is one of the "lies". As Trump fondly recalled his Inauguration Day, he said it stopped raining “immediately” when he began his speech. A light rain continued to fall throughout the address. LOL
  14. I sure hope this board is an honest assessment of Dems all over. But keep it up guys, you're doing great.
  15. Thank goodness.
  16. Guess what, funding for the military is one of the few things allowed for in the Constitution.
  17. Sadly, if true, this won't hurt Facebook. Many folks couldn't get through the day without it.
  18. Devil's advocate...if I home school my kids and can't participate in any public school activities, should I be able to be exempted from paying school taxes?
  19. lol...just saw this. I could have held my comment.
  20. Wow...all the Republicans don't think exactly alike??? What a shame.
  21. Do you have a point here? Do you think this is simply about how many permanent jobs will be created?
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. Just admit you're wrong...again. You will feel better.
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