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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I'll go on the record...receiving 0, none nada gov assistance...how about you?
  2. Looks like Philadelphia, like so many other cities, needs more Republicans.
  3. Washington democrats are anti Semites. And I was right...the thread is not dumb...it's accurate.
  4. Read slowly...my point is obama was not a supporter of Israel...that's my point. Do you disagree...a simple yes or no will do. And no need to cry...it further stigmatizes liberals.
  5. What business does "everyone" have to do with this? I guess I'll take Netanyahu's opinion on what your hero obama's opinion was on Israel over yours anyway...maybe you forgot that's what the discussion was...not Trump. [Hidden Content]
  6. lol...dan rather, enough said?? LOL
  7. That's not enough?
  8. link?
  9. Obama doing what he does best...organizing. Pathetic President...great community/national organizer.
  10. You may get a "ROFLMBO".
  11. I would definitely say something different from Junction.
  12. Exactly right...he did absolutely nothing wrong.
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. lol...nobody is fooled here...didn't look into his statement before you posted, right? I'll say it..."Nice try".
  15. Whether or not anyone wants to give Trump credit is one thing, but he's telling the truth. ...another alternative fact shot down...lol. I love the comparison...good one, nash.
  16. They have to carry the signs so they can glance at them from time to time to remember what they're protesting.
  17. lol, that's right...can't go after the athletes and entertainers. (and I agree) It's only the evil corporate types that make their filthy living by stealing from the poor, downtrodden "ordinary" folks.
  18. Classic class warfare...if the rich weren't so rich, my life would somehow be better.
  19. No, you can't...not even close.
  20. Vote for the candidate that will make gov smaller and less intrusive...don't think they will ever CARE about you...that's your family and friend's job. The smaller gov is, the less it will affect ordinary folks. You seem to still want gov to somehow fix it's own problem...it won't/can't.
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. Transparency is very unflattering for the left.
  23. [Hidden Content]
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