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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Exactly right. Obamacare is a disaster (just like welfare), as are all the programs from the dems. When it gets bad enough, the voters will purge the rinos just like they have been purging the dems and then it can be repealed.
  2. As credible as they get. [Hidden Content]
  3. From the article...and this is one of the "lies". As Trump fondly recalled his Inauguration Day, he said it stopped raining “immediately” when he began his speech. A light rain continued to fall throughout the address. LOL
  4. I sure hope this board is an honest assessment of Dems all over. But keep it up guys, you're doing great.
  5. Thank goodness.
  6. Guess what, funding for the military is one of the few things allowed for in the Constitution.
  7. Sadly, if true, this won't hurt Facebook. Many folks couldn't get through the day without it.
  8. Devil's advocate...if I home school my kids and can't participate in any public school activities, should I be able to be exempted from paying school taxes?
  9. lol...just saw this. I could have held my comment.
  10. Wow...all the Republicans don't think exactly alike??? What a shame.
  11. Do you have a point here? Do you think this is simply about how many permanent jobs will be created?
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Just admit you're wrong...again. You will feel better.
  14. So you're making another dumb prediction...lol. Insult all you want...I obviously understand this stuff much better than you.
  15. But I thought you were SURE he was lying. It probably won't be the last thing you're wrong about him on. Come on...man up and apologize to your President.
  16. We have too many Republicans that may as well be Democrats...conservative Republicans are a minority these days, and it's showing big time in this. One thing about the Dems, they stay in lockstep no matter how dumb the idea may be...especially if it's a vote on growing gov.
  17. [Hidden Content] From the article: Asked if he thought Trump was spied on, Nunes replied: "I'm not gonna get into legal definitions here, but clearly I have a concern."
  18. Gorsuch handled himself very well...basically gave an honest answer when asked a question.
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