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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Good grief...GO HOME!
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Let's set the record straight...you (or anyone else) has no idea when. As far as "the answer", I don't know of anyone that thinks these news outlets are the answer, they simply report the news.
  4. It's already here...arrived on Jan. 20th.
  5. How much of Meals on Wheels budget comes from the fed gov? Research it. If you are that concerned, get involved in a church/city that has a food pantry and/or delivers meals to those in need. The fed gov is not the answer to everything so don't look to them for everything.
  6. outstanding point...lol.
  7. [Hidden Content] bow wow defending snoop doggcrap...smh.
  8. You bet we would...can you even imagine the damage a whole family of Obamas could have caused? It's gonna take years to clean up the disaster that just one left behind.
  9. From the U of M article: The University of Minnesota is shedding its “king” and “queen” titles for homecoming, organizers said Monday. Instead “royalty” will be the term of choice. Now wouldn't the term "royalty" promote class warfare? Are those that are not royalty all peasants?
  10. We're gonna put this one on the back back back burner until we see those tax returns.
  11. Ease your mind???...LOL. So, libs really do fret over crap like this that has absolutely no impact on their own lives...lol.
  12. This reminds me , once again, why I don't watch msnbc.
  13. Yes, it is. Either let it die as Obamacare (which it is doing) with 100% Democrat backing or repeal it. Republicans are going to screw around and once again get the blame for the Dems failure.
  14. [Hidden Content] oops...lol
  15. Trump is taking many things to a different level than Obama.
  16. Nah...it's here because of the Dems...100%. You guys always look for someone to blame your failures on.
  17. Wonder if there would be more outrage from the media and left if say, Toby Keith would have done an assassination video of Obama like this punk thug did of Trump? [Hidden Content]
  18. But I bet you still think the fed gov is the answer, right?
  19. lol...exactly right.
  20. Looks like Cruz will have to battle the Democrats AND Republicans to make this happen...smh.
  21. Look under the College Sports thread / College Baseball 2017 topic. Any link that starts with pic.twitter.com When I click on the link it just disappears.
  22. The libs are turning to Rachel Maddow to stay more informed...lol
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