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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. If trying to keep babies from being "terminated" makes me righteous, I'll take it. What should we call someone who is OK with babies being "terminated"? Help me out here Kountzer, show me why I should think abortion is OK.
  2. They apparently think this matters to real folks...smh.
  3. Tell me what's dumb about it.
  4. They would love that goofball running the country up there.
  5. The talk of Texas seceding will be down now that Trump is in office and California will do the same when another Democrat takes office. Never ending cycle...although I truly wish California the best in their efforts.
  6. lol...Gimenez was standing by his principles...until it was going to cost him money.
  7. Please hurry!
  8. I'm betting it won't be long before it's Congressman / Senator Manning. [Hidden Content]
  9. So what are the fighting against...lower taxes, more jobs, better trade deals for America? [Hidden Content] From the article: Antonio Villaraigosa, the mayor of Los Angeles said a Trump presidency is taking this to “places we’ve never been.” I might have to agree with him on this one.
  10. Disgusting...and our tax dollars support these baby killers.
  11. Hopefully, it spreads across the country.
  12. Stupid has consequences.
  13. Affordable housing...is that similar to affordable healthcare?
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Bingo
  16. lol
  17. Didn't think you agreed with it...have seen enough of your posts to know you probably don't, and I realize you are simply putting the legal position out. I would disagree that it was only in the modern age that murder was defined...the commandment in Hebrew is not actually "Thou shall not Kill", it's actually interpreted as "Thou shall not take an innocent life". In the womb is about as innocent as they get.
  18. Nuts
  19. And agreeing with the SC decision that killing babies is OK and legal will be a losing proposition. Some of us don't agree that 9 folks have the eternal say in what is right and what is wrong...their "opinion" will change, God's won't. The SC is the final say in the law of the land...I get it, but as a Christian I can also say that they are wrong. And if you don't want to get in a Theological discussion, don't throw out there that killing a baby in the womb is not murder just because 9 folks say it's not.
  20. Depends on which Book you are referring to.
  21. [Hidden Content] +1
  22. I just love hearing it too.
  23. When he announced the site he said he would remain the "voice for those that still need to be heard". He ain't going away.
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