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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. And 9-11 was his fault too...wow, how did he do that in such short order.
  2. Hmmm...who could do such a thing?
  3. lol...gotta have that balance.
  4. Not much to tear apart, good post...just don't see why the salary of a CEO of a private, stockholder owned company concerns folks so much. Athletes make millions and simply play a game and the same folks usually have no problem with that. For clarification, I don't have a problem with either...earn what the market will pay you.
  5. I don't think it's appropriate to scrutinize the evidence so closely...I thought the acceptable practice was to jump to the immediate conclusion that the cop is wrong.
  6. [Hidden Content] From the article: Troilo's family said energy efficient windows and a sealed door hampered the flow of air into the apartment. Too efficient??? This is a sad story but come on. I guess this is the result of ambulance chasers and jerry springer juries.
  7. Obvious to many.
  8. Imagine that, letting the private sector keep more money and giving less to the gov could jump start the economy.
  9. Don't put importance on tweets, put importance on actions and results. ...and I doubt very seriously that you have any clue what his most devoted supporters think.
  10. You didn't faint during the speech, did you?
  11. But you couldn't put any substance behind any of those claims...did you read that in one of you "centrist" pamphlets?
  12. Clueless...and a typical liberal response...we MUST have done something to bring the attack on ourselves.
  14. I'm gonna give him credit for obamacare, failed foreign policy, shutting down coal mines and losing much respect for us globally.
  15. Must be true...she said it was...I would not watch Fox if I were you...problem solved.
  16. I agree...let them simply sit and hear the Word of God...don't whack them over the head with it.
  17. The Russians
  18. Be tough to get anyone elected...good luck with that.
  19. All coordinated by the puppet master Rush, of course.
  20. lol...no bias here.
  21. Maybe the conversation doesn't need balance...could it be the police are in the right almost always and the argument condemning them doesn't deserve balance?
  22. You seem to take this side and run with it. If the story is true, do you have any interest in the others cop's stories...or any interest in what prompted the guys to be stopped in the first place. I doubt any of that interests you as much as this one side of the story.
  23. Lately? I am quite sure that right NOW you are much more likely to be blown up, run over or beheaded by a Muslim than a Christian. But let's keep living in the past.
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