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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Thanks for sharing...you should direct your comments to a forum that actually has redneck racists.
  2. Right...they would much rather report on how oppressed the Muslims are. But they have no interest in pointing out most Muslim deaths are caused by other Muslims.
  3. 23 years and this is it? Sure doesn't seem like an epidemic.
  4. He's concerned enough about it to at least place blame on the gang violence and leadership...all I have seen you complain about is the cops. But I guess you are somehow more concerned.
  5. lol...I would have to agree.
  6. That's OK...so did ABC, NBC and CNN.
  7. But wait, you don't trust the code of silence cops and you don't trust the citizens...we have a conundrum.
  8. Show me where the fed gov provides over site for the state''s business. Use the Constitution...not your opinion. Wow...how did the states ever make it before the recently intrusive fed gov. I get it now, you are a centrist...you are all for a centrally controlled country.
  9. How about we leave all these issues to the states? You're right. conservatives don't want to be responsible for someone else's problems...why should they? But of course libs want to be compassionate and take care of all problems, with other people's money. Centrist, huh???...OK.
  10. It looks like that is the Republican plan. Real jobs, too...not shovel-ready.
  11. I'm not waiting on that day...I enjoy the rap.
  12. There it is again...won't be long.
  13. There it is...if you disagree with him you are a racist...smh.
  14. Will we have to get rid of the label Homecoming Queen next?
  15. He's baaaacccckkkk! ...and in a position you would almost expect from this guy. [Hidden Content]
  16. It won't happen...but it would be great for the country.
  17. Who's not moving on now?
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