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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Human sexuality course??? ...good grief.
  2. lol...absolutely...can't have that.
  3. We can't relinquish that kind of control from the fed gov to the common folk...there would be utter chaos.
  4. lol...good one.
  5. I knew what you were saying, and I agree, I was making an "out loud" point as well.
  6. They don't like it because in comparison, it makes them and their pathetic policies look like what they are...weak. Me and you are both old enough to remember the stark contrast between Carter and Reagan when Reagan came in.
  7. 5 months, 10 months...same result.
  8. Strict gun laws work great for the bad guys.
  9. Agree...besides the first episode, this season has been bad.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Figured you would be a Nixon fan...healthcare, EPA, ended the draft. Wait, I bet all you know about him is Watergate, right?
  13. Good deal...more Texas influence...always a good thing.
  14. See, there you go again...showing your ignorance of facts. 2008 was all on the dems...namely Frank and Dodd and has been laid out many times on this forum. As Englebert would say...another swing and miss.
  15. We're going to have to listen to this guy cry and moan for years...he won't follow the protocol of not criticizing the next administration.
  16. Could this be the result of more fake news losing steam? Imagine that...the earth warms and cools naturally.
  17. Agree...his job would be to go in and negotiate with leaders of other countries...he's been doing just that.
  18. The Dems will pull out the long knives on this one. 1) He works for a big bad oil company 2) No Diplomatic experience (even though he has more than most Diplomats) 3) He's Putin's buddy It will be bloody. From what I have looked into so far, I have no problem with him...he already has connections with many heads of state.
  19. Read it earlier this morning...really puts your problems in perspective, doesn't it. Prayers and strength to this family...I can't imagine.
  20. When you open the article, click on the author's name and simply read the headlines of his previous articles on Trump...I can see why BG would gravitate to his style. Thoughts?
  21. Apparently, Play-Doh is still in demand.
  22. Congratulations!
  23. [Hidden Content]
  24. Hillary is the queen of fake news...video was the cause...landed under sniper fire...vast right wing conspiracy. Rush did a great job on this a few days ago.
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