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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Lots of high-fiving going on in Cuba right now.
  2. Hmmm... sounds like an accurate evaluation of the current democrat party also.
  3. obama will be proud...this is community organizing success at its finest.
  4. So anyone that calls you out on your nonsensical posts is a message board tough guy...lol.
  5. Exactly right, the Fallon types and SNL crowd will deem that material off limits. It's a shame, lots of material there that can make us laugh...and cry.
  6. Let's see...better economy, lower taxes, more jobs, stronger military = comic material...I don't get it. Must be a lib thing.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. They are worried because their puppet/punching bag is leaving office.
  9. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. You are right, he threw wright under the bus when the garbage he was preaching was uncovered, so obama cut him loose after years of learning under him. It's the democrat way, never let them know what you are really thinking.
  11. This would be an appropriate place to carve his monument. [Hidden Content]
  12. His ears won't fit on Rushmore...he'll need to have his own mountain.
  13. Yes he has, he has emboldened these thugs with his divisiveness.
  14. Yeah, we should start taking advice from you dems...look how your game plan is working out.
  15. lol...your posts are normally ignorant of facts but this one is loaded. You obviously are quoting dem talking points on the issues in bold, very little research would actually show you the truth, try it.
  16. Showing their true colors...smh.
  17. There's a reason the left hates Rush...he exposes their hypocrisy on a daily basis, many times even before they act it out.
  18. So TAXES will fix global warming? ...hmmm.
  19. Oh, he's got one...and we're saddled with it.
  20. In my extensive research, I have found that those dang fruits and vegetables make me more gassy than a big ol' ribeye...IJS.
  21. Are you neglecting your play-doh?
  22. Amazing how closely satire can parallel reality.
  23. Will the American people get a settlement over obamacare...that's a lot more money than 25M.
  24. Very good point.
  25. If you thing Trump has no political experience you are very naive. He is much more capable of dealing with world leaders than obama ever was...as is proven by his Presidency. Trump will be much better for the Country, you and me, whether or not you realize it.
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