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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. No, obviously you are...you somehow know how much I make.
  2. You are...just take a look at Clinton's tax plan.
  3. Easy, Easy...loser meaning the election...not you, personally.
  4. No, I'm sure you feel like a loser.
  5. Maybe the clinton supporters can get a laugh out of this when Trump is sworn in.
  6. more tolerance [Hidden Content]
  7. ...and they somehow equate uneducated with dumb...lol.
  8. lol...BAM!
  9. ...and a hard core racist...he is pathetic.
  10. Main thing that got my attention was he wasn't hillary.
  11. Agree...of course, many folks had that opinion of him long ago.
  12. smh
  13. Very good post...main problem I had with Hillary getting elected is she would have possibly appointed 4 Justices that could remain on the court for 30,40 years. I'm sure the concern from the left is the same with Trump. Presidents have term limits...the SC doesn't.
  14. He handled unions pretty well also.
  15. Dove has a special history book.
  16. Have you not paid any attention to politicians?
  17. I love me some Google.
  18. Prayers and strength
  19. 5 Presidents had never been elected to public office before becoming President: Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and president-elect Donald Trump. However, Trump is the only individual to be elected president without any prior political or military experience. ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States_by_previous_experience
  20. No thanks
  21. The only way to make it better is repeal it...get the fed gov out.
  22. LOL
  23. No, she thought Hillary had her own health care system...she tried, but couldn't.
  24. Just saw a young lady at one of the protests say she voted for Hillary because as a child, she benefited from Hillary's health care plan. And some on here want to make fun of Trump supporters...lol.
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