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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I did...never have understood why this has never been a big deal to the media...even Fox. This has been exposed on talk radio for a while.
  2. She definitely has some dangerous family ties.
  3. I think the jubilation will be because Hillary lost IF that happens...I have never been thrilled with Trump as the candidate. At least we can wait and see if Trump is a decent President...we know where Hillary will take us.
  4. You should read every one...you will actually learn something.
  5. How do you know that...show me how Trump's plan will fail.
  6. So new tobie and nappyroots, you guys are voting for Hillary, right?
  7. Several folks were asking for that link...would like to see it myself.
  8. Sorry...never lied or claimed to be on "the exchange" and hopefully never will be. My wish is that "the exchange" will someday be non-existent. Make your own way...don't depend on others.
  9. smh
  10. Do it, Do it, Do it...time's a wastin'.
  11. From the article: There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales for Hillary is just as unpardonable. Why reward unethical behavior? It’s mind-boggling.
  12. Probably right, this level of corruption around this woman is unbelievable.
  13. I'm hillary clinton, and I approve this message.
  14. No one is saying any of those things on this board.
  15. They obviously do like like the direction we are headed and know that it will continue under clinton. They would also like to see obamacare gone, illegal immigration dealt with and the SC NOT take a serious left turn. The reasons are many...GOOD reasons, I might add. How about your hillary reasons for support?
  16. Let's hope they do.
  17. If you can sell that you are being ganged up on, you become the victim, and those that are doing the ganging up on must be admonished. A concept that is getting harder and harder for the left to sell.
  18. I have no problem with anyone having any thoughts they want, but when their "thoughts" are costing me money, I'm gonna disagree.
  19. Don't give up on her...lots of dependent low information voters out there that don't know or don't care about her corruption.
  20. lol...always well researched AND always fair and balanced.
  21. If Texas goes blue and begins to implement policies similar to those in Detroit, you won't have to worry about illegals coming across...problem solved.
  22. Last night definitely had a lot of folks shaking their heads.
  23. They finally got to Chapman.
  24. Cubs up 6-3, 8th, 2 outs...Chapman time.
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