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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. lol...the media has finally figured out they are biased.
  2. lol...unbelievable...sad when a reasoned, accurate answer is a waste of time.
  3. lol...typical hillary supporter.
  4. democrats...if we really want to defeat countries like Russia and China, we should plant some liberal democrats in them. They would be broke in 30 years.
  5. lol...agree, sometimes you just deserve what you ask for.
  6. Well, Bye!
  7. Did you join?
  8. Absolutely right...he won't seek policy advice, but just trying to learn the day to day protocol for this job has to be overwhelming.
  9. Yep, he told me...that he would willingly give up more of his income if clinton was elected. Hoops, feel free to voluntarily send more of you income in, even though Trump was elected...put your money where you mouth is, so to speak. As with most liberals, I doubt that will happen.
  10. [Hidden Content] From the article: “What we need to do is have an all-of-the-above policy, and I’m willing to compete with gas, nuclear and the other low-cost means for generating electricity with our coal -- as long as the government stays out of it and allows the marketplace to make the decisions,” he said. Great idea...let's try it.
  11. lol
  12. In fact, there would not even be a tune.
  13. Thank God we will never know for sure.
  14. I hope not...keep doing what you're doing...it's going great.
  15. No, obviously you are...you somehow know how much I make.
  16. You are...just take a look at Clinton's tax plan.
  17. Easy, Easy...loser meaning the election...not you, personally.
  18. No, I'm sure you feel like a loser.
  19. Maybe the clinton supporters can get a laugh out of this when Trump is sworn in.
  20. more tolerance [Hidden Content]
  21. ...and they somehow equate uneducated with dumb...lol.
  22. lol...BAM!
  23. ...and a hard core racist...he is pathetic.
  24. Main thing that got my attention was he wasn't hillary.
  25. Agree...of course, many folks had that opinion of him long ago.
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