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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Lol...and you want to be taken seriously...lol.
  2. From the article: The Affordable Care Act is turning out to be less than affordable for some consumers. That’s because many of the plans carry huge deductibles, creating potential financial problems for middle-class consumers. Some “bronze”-level plans, the lowest level of coverage, carry deductibles as high as $12,700 per year for a family of four. Couldn't be, I didn't think anyone in the exchange had a deductible that high.
  3. Very true...this is all geared towards single payer and anyone paying attention knows it. The last thing the fed gov would ever want is a study to determine how efficient they are.
  4. Ho hum, this in not news...we should be much more concerned over Trump's tweets. In fact, many are!
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. lol...lol...can't stay on topic...don't blame you, your party's policies can't be defended. bill's simply saying what everyone knows, including you...deal with it.
  7. Always the race card...sad. And this from the guy that says no Republican leaders back Trump...so you agree with Republican leaders now, right?
  8. On this, yes, I do. He is acknowledging that this is an absolute disaster...which many knew it would be. He simply made the mistake of saying what he really thinks...which is a Democrat no no. You guys hosed the healthcare...at least own up to it like your hero bill.
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. This tactic works when you have the right crowd.
  11. Why would anyone vote for Clinton when it is a given she will continue down this path?
  12. Kaine reminds me of Howard Dean...not good.
  13. Careful...wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
  14. A hush falls over the liberal crowd, as the conservative crowd mutters, "knew it"! ...and we didn't need the rapist to confirm it.
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content] Uh Oh! From the article: Bill Clinton, on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton, told voters in Michigan on Monday that the legislation has created a “crazy system” where millions more people have health care but those unable to qualify for subsidies (free stuff) are getting “killed.” “The people … out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half,” Clinton said. “It’s the craziest thing in the world.”
  17. nappyroots and all the clinton supporters only want to see the taxes for one reason...they are hoping to find out he has paid no or very few taxes and somehow that makes him a bad guy. If it turned out he paid gobs of taxes, they would still hate him and would only move to the next "gotcha" issue...won't sway their vote either way, and it also won't improve their lives one way or the other, no matter what he pays in taxes. Personally, I would rather see Trump and those like him that employ thousands of people keep as much money as is legally possible, rather than give it to the fed gov to waste.
  18. We're talking about what the middle wants, right?
  19. I don't...why do you want to see them? I don't want to see Clinton's taxes either...if there was something illegal done, I would expect the IRS to be on it. What the Trump haters want to see is if Trump has somehow managed to pay little in taxes (doesn't matter if it's legal) so they can scream foul. It won't change their lives one bit, but they want to see the evil rich man pay his fair share. If he has legally managed to pay little in taxes, I say more power to him for keeping it out of the wasteful hands of the fed gov.
  20. Great story!
  21. Let's see, we'll make that .5% so that would be...oh, crap. Let's go with .1% so that would make it...dang. We're screwed.
  22. Not sure why you guys keep wasting time on NT...entertaining I guess.
  23. Don't expect an answer on why he is great...there are none
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