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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. You didn't grow up in my house...you either "acquired" a taste for what we had or waited for the next meal...Mom didn't cook any alternative foods. Teenage boys always opted to acquire rather than wait.
  2. I agree he keeps saying stupid stuff...and then you end with that last sentence. Pot calling the kettle black?
  3. My first inclination would be that someone else found the cure but he decided to take credit.
  4. So what, where are the parents in this? Are you of the mindset that the gov is the answer for everything? I used to let my kids eat all of that, in moderation...didn't need any guidance from gov. smh
  5. What year are you talking about?
  6. Standard operating procedure from the left...we will not do anything to stop terrorism...we won't stem the tide of illegals from all countries that aren't vetted coming into the country, in fact we want to increase that number...even when you have other countries that have regretted going down the same road and are now paying the price and trying to figure out how to handle it. We won't profile because as stevenash pointed out earlier, it is more important to not offend anyone than it is to protect the American people. The left won't do basically anything about this problem but complains when someone else proposes to. Reagan had to come in and clean up Carters's weakness...Bush had to come in and clean up Clinton's weakness, and now someone has to clean up Obama's weakness...Trump may not get it done but Clinton won't for sure. Weakness always allows problems to start and/or get worse but hates it when strength is used to fix them...always. Recent history has shown that if you want to fix Democrat's national security problems...elect a Republican...this cannot be refuted.
  7. They're actually pretty good...like anything I guess...an acquired taste. If it was on the table, we figured out how to like it.
  8. Or, more likely, they weren't cleaned right.
  9. Chitlins...once a week every week when I was growing up.
  10. Because I pay attention...as BSW pointed out, they would love for him to drop out. The article is wishful thinking by abc.
  11. Another reason the UN is useless...next thing you know, they'll be after mac and cheese.
  12. No, they don't.
  13. Is there a White Student Union at U of H? Why are we creating divisiveness in everything and everywhere?
  14. Exactly right...sure hope they never advance to Varsity level.
  15. lol...I was gonna give her a pass on that one.
  16. From the article: First, Trump would have to voluntarily exit the race. Officials say there is no mechanism for forcing him to withdraw his nomination. (Trump has not given any indications that he no longer wants to be his party's nominee.) ...but let's go ahead and make it a story, anyway...obviously SOME people will gobble it up.
  17. LumRaiderFan


    The cash flown to Iran was euros, Swiss francs, and other currencies because U.S. law forbids transacting American dollars with Iran. smh
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Buffet is the king of crony capitalism...you and the left complain about the Koch brothers but this guy is the worst. You probably didn't know (or care) that he conveniently purchased a railroad a couple of years before the rail-car oil business exploded. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] And it will continue to make him gobs of money as long as the Keystone pipeline isn't completed. But you keep worrying about the Koch brothers...because they are Republicans, of course.
  20. I bet Ted Nugent already has one...lol.
  21. Yep...some are having to fall on the sword...some get a new job.
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. Stay on topic...we are much more worried about Trump's tax returns, which have no effect on policy, than we are about this kind of stuff. Move along, citizen...nothing to see here.
  24. Don't forget the non-stop confirmation of a job well done for law enforcement shown by this administration.
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