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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Wrong...I've got lots of problems with the Party and have voiced them on here. What problems do you have with the Dems?
  2. Hmmm...what does this have to do with hillary being unfit for President?
  3. Agree...Trump is not nearly the smooth talking liar that bill is...luckily, he gets to debate hillary.
  4. Most have no idea what Clinton's stance was back then and most have no idea what Trump's is now...all they know is Bill must have been right and Trump has got to be wrong.
  5. Make your own way...don't depend on the gov...smh. Give me a list of folks that have died because they can't afford healthcare and have been denied treatment.
  6. Good question...tickets for any Broadway show are ridiculous...should they regulate play prices? Lots of things are expensive, and if you don't make enough money, you aren't "entitled" to them...want a nicer car, earn more money, want a bigger house, earn more money!
  7. To some that's all it takes...be a smooth talker. Sends a tingly feeling up their leg.
  8. Family...no brainer...except for those that think it takes a village.
  9. Yikes!
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Lining up future members of the possible Clinton administration.
  12. That's it right there...hot oil and short time in the oil. Most folks cook too long and they get tough.
  13. Saw that earlier and wouldn't have believed it, if not coming from Kerry. North Korea's media policy, Venezuela's economic policy, Iran's women rights policy...we have so much to learn.
  14. Examples, please. Surely you can provide some if they are constantly spewing them out.
  15. Set reasonable regulations and enforce them...I'm OK with that. You don't trust refineries but you trust the fed gov...the same fed gov that has recently put coal facilities out of business with their regulations...the same fed gov that is destroying the health care industry in an attempt at single payer gov run health care. I was OK with my health insurance...lots of folks were. Now it's costing me more due to fed gov meddling.
  16. Uh Oh...she broke the first rule of Democrat protocol...NEVER EVER say out loud what your intentions really are. Second rule is to lie, if caught.
  17. Good Grief...our tax dollars at work.
  18. Exactly right...less, not more gov.
  19. Show me where Trump is corrupt. How do you know he's unqualified? Hillary has shown to be unqualified in the job she did as SOS. No, he wouldn't be running away with this...you give too much credit to the American voter because there are lots of folks that equate Trump's loud mouth with Clinton's lies and corruption.
  20. No need for a replacement for Obamacare if repealed...fed gov has no business in the health care business and will only make it worse...aren't there plenty of examples of this already?
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. We are in a sad place that so many still support this completely corrupt and unqualified candidate...the rule of law obviously doesn't matter anymore.
  23. Sadly, this is true...he had a great opportunity and blew it. Of course, he has always be an agitator, and many of us knew he wouldn't stop just because he became President.
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