Standard operating procedure from the left...we will not do anything to stop terrorism...we won't stem the tide of illegals from all countries that aren't vetted coming into the country, in fact we want to increase that number...even when you have other countries that have regretted going down the same road and are now paying the price and trying to figure out how to handle it.
We won't profile because as stevenash pointed out earlier, it is more important to not offend anyone than it is to protect the American people.
The left won't do basically anything about this problem but complains when someone else proposes to.
Reagan had to come in and clean up Carters's weakness...Bush had to come in and clean up Clinton's weakness, and now someone has to clean up Obama's weakness...Trump may not get it done but Clinton won't for sure.
Weakness always allows problems to start and/or get worse but hates it when strength is used to fix them...always.
Recent history has shown that if you want to fix Democrat's national security problems...elect a Republican...this cannot be refuted.