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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Until you were required to pay your "fair" share.
  2. Try to focus...this thread is not about Trump.
  3. Same question most rioters in Ferguson were asking.
  4. And she knew her political career was over without Bill.
  5. I bet she would.
  6. Noted... [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  7. You won't hear a word from NTBG on that.
  8. Or dispute them...not sure why y'all waste your time.
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. They know they can reel in voters such as yourself because they make ONE speech that makes you FEEL good...no matter that it's lies. Perfect example, after one speech you may vote Hillary simply for Bill's speech rather than vote third party...lol.
  11. Ain't happening!
  12. lol...Hillary's legacy according to Bill. Wonder if he'll reminisce about Monica?
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. Yes, I do. A lot of the Trump folks are backing him because they are tired of the status quo in the GOP and wanted change...fine, so do I. My question to them is if you call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives, why no back someone like Cruz or Paul that are actually close to what the party should stand for. Instead, the are sucked in by Trump's rock star tactics...no real conservative would have backed this guy from the start. Now, we're stuck with him but I will be voting for him because I have no doubt the alternative can only be worse.
  15. Only "Republican Lies Matter".
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Clinton was dragged across that isle, kicking and screaming...but, as you and stevenash point out, even he realized there was a time for compromise.
  18. No problem...this deserved it's own thread anyway.
  19. Posted this in bad ones, good ones earlier...I was speculating whether or not this was "workplace violence".
  20. Yep...Barney Frank, Chris Dodd...check it out.
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