Yep, that is the argument and I believe it is accurate...I would clarify by saying liberal policies are bad for the Country.
If you disagree, what specific policies of the left would you say are beneficial for our Country?
You may be right, but what does that have to do with his original post?
Have you seen clinton's proposed budget AND her past record...if that is what the American voters want, I'll admit, we have no one that crooked, untrustworthy and unqualified.
Just because someone wins the election does not mean they are fit to be President...obama has proven that without a doubt.
Looks about right...doubt you'll hear anything from the libs because even though they may agree with your bullet points, they are embarrassed to publicly defend them.
You guys don't like a mainstream Republican and you don't like one that won't fall in line with the mainstream Republicans. there really any Republican you two would like...doubtful.
And I'll interpret the reckless comment from the GOP...Trump will "wreck" our good old boy system we have put in place...even clinton won't do that...therefore, he must be defeated, even if it means clinton getting elected.
No doubt...the left is more "educated".
Most of the college professors, PhDs, are left got me.
I'll take the blue-collar refinery worker, welder, plumber, mechanic, electrician etc. any day.
Maybe not as "educated" as your group, but for the most part, much smarter...and without a doubt, much more common sense.
Didn't address my media bias comment, clueless about media bias is a fact, not an insult...and the good folks of Lumberton will survive without your support.
What a shame that liberals cannot defend their positions without deflection...conservatives can.
Strange you single Fox out, but are OK with chris matthews comments about Mrs. Smith...tells me all I need to are truly clueless about media bias.
Laughing stock to you, charlie gibson and the liberals, maybe...he's the one that came off looking like a gotcha dufus.
So back to my comment, does something like this overshadow the actions of clinton as far as your support?
Libs seem to be very small minded and put much more importance on perception rather than actual actions and I wrong?
That's it???
But I would bet you will still support hillary in spite of her email scandal(s) / lying to the American people, her latest budget proposal, and just the fact that she's proven to be a liar and crook.
It amazes me how liberals can equate a perceived verbal mistake to REAL really does.