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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Bernie is on a roll...free stuff for everyone.
  2. The clintons are the posterboys for all he is railing against...and the crowd loves it. The dems are a confused lot.
  3. That was a good one...she may root it out, only because she wants in.
  4. Go ahead and swing by Greece...pick up some pointers.
  5. Ole bill roaming the halls...not good.
  6. If hillary makes it to the White House, the female staffers better carry pepper spray.
  7. Invest, reinvest...repeat.
  8. Replenished...hmmmm. Only taxpayers fear that word when used by politicians.
  9. Wasn't sure where to put this one but it needs to be read...Dems should be proud of this guy...same guy that thought Guam could capsize. You really can't make this stuff up. [Hidden Content]
  10. Yep, there it is...hard to come in as a newbie with good intentions and overcome 30 - 40 years of good ole boy relationships...on both sides. Most simply fall in line after a while...some, like Cruz don't, and are hated by the party that should be doing exactly what he is doing.
  11. What a mess...their candidate is a crook, their DNC chairman is a crook, and their speakers are lining up to give "cops are bad" speeches. Should be a very entertaining week.
  12. Fat bottomed girls...we used to crank that one on the radio, as we would all Queen songs. Freddie Mercury, strange dude...one in a million talent.
  13. Sittin' on the dock of the bay Otis Redding Kiss and say goodbye The Manhattans
  14. The Breeze Lynyrd Skynyrd
  15. Even if you got rid of this Congress, the voters are still the same.
  16. This circus will be much better...way more clowns.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. Why you should vote for the democrats...they have a true grasp on terrorism. [Hidden Content]
  19. 1963??? So nothing has changed since then...smh. blm is happening right now and they are promoting the killing of cops...you agree?
  20. Well yeah...the platforms are so far apart, no one that is going to cross that line. If the Dems ever put out a lower taxes, smaller gov, less regulation, pro 2nd amendment administration, I will vote for them...but we know that will NEVER happen. I have no problem with folks being loyal to party because the alternative is always worse, according to their ideology. The folks that I have a problem with are those that don't pay attention enough to realize there is a difference between R & D.
  21. Lol...poor democrats...they don't like our liberal policies, so they MUST be racists.
  22. She could have locked up the Native American vote with Warren...oh, wait.
  23. Too many Lime-a-Ritas, maybe?
  24. You will probably hear "Pigs in a blanket".
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