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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. smh
  2. Beat me to it...Bill Maher proving once again, he's a moron.
  3. Yep, no doubt they make a lot of money in California...so does the US. Revenue isn't the problem...spending is. The money being made is through the efforts of the hard working private industry...not the gov and it's liberal policies. The debt can be claimed by the liberal policies. So do you agree in higher taxes that take more from private citizens to redistribute it how gov sees fit?
  4. Hmmm...your comments may need to be pondered also.
  5. Results from the lab... [Hidden Content] Anyone knows that liberal fiscal policies are a disaster. Also, anyone that believes higher taxes are good MUST believe that the gov is better at spending money than the private sector.
  6. Now that is tragic!
  7. Strength and prayers for the Clayborn family.
  8. Better let them go to work...someone has to pay for their welfare checks so they can continue their unemployed protesting.
  9. No protesting over this in Ballwin?
  10. Good post...there are lots of us that are willing to simply wait for an investigation and let the facts come out before making a call or protesting, which in the Dallas case, put more police in harm's way. And sadly, there are many that don't...including the President. Prayers and strength for these officers and their families.
  11. Now there are reports that 3 - 6 officers have been shot. Also, they are saying one shooter has been "neutralized" and negotiations are going on with another. Don't know how accurate any of this is.
  12. Watching the police running into the building with shields and no helmets trying to get the situation under control. The whiny protesters that were just chanting "F" the cops have all run off and are no where to be found.
  13. Watching live news...looks like possibly two cops shot during the protest.
  14. Yes, it is...Troubadour is a close second for me.
  15. He stopped loving her today
  16. Happy 4th to everyone.
  17. Sounds good, but too hard...I'll take the former...why not? Only thing that keeps someone from taking the former path is pride and/or integrity.
  18. They apologized...good enough. Too many possible threats for our law enforcement to feel like they have to operate in a PC world. If he is that offended, go back to the UAE and never come back.
  19. And these two go way back...I'm sure Bill feels she "owes" him. [Hidden Content] From the article: In 1999, she was nominated by President Bill Clinton to serve as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
  20. Bingo!!! No compromise in this MAN...establishment doesn't like that.
  21. I actually did lol on that one.
  22. [Hidden Content]
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