Couple of rogue agents, obviously.
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From the article:
The Washington Times first reported on the list, which the IRS filed last month after being prodded by federal judges. The document was produced as part of a class-action lawsuit being led by Tea Party groups.
According to the Times, 60 of the groups' names contained the word “tea,” 33 contained the word “patriot,” eight used the word “Constitution” and 26 others had the word “liberty” in the title.
I think his net worth was $50 million when he died...doesn't sound like he was too oppressed.
A country that can afford you that kind of opportunity sounds like one worth fighting for.
Agree...I posted this in another thread commenting on how the mayor blames this on Trump and not the violent protesters.
And the media falls right in line and reports it this way...what angers them more than anything is this won't hurt Trump one bit.
Speaking of the lowest common denominator...
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From the article:
The mayor, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments had to deal with.
"At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign," Liccardo said.
No, need to take responsibility for the actual troublemakers in your city (democrats) and stop blaming Trump.
The man in office is certainly the cause for the decline in the coal industry (just one example)...your point is wrong...the man and the administration matters.
We are perceived as weak around the globe because the man in office is weak.
What do you even mean by wanting the POTUS to make life easier for the working people...the only way they can do this is get out of the way and let the free market work.
Quit taxing these businesses with these ridiculous corporate tax rates (that you seem to like) and let them reinvest the money in jobs and growth...not throw it away by giving it to the fed gov.
Dang private insurance companies...all they want to do is make money.
Can't they just model themselves after the fed gov and lose money year after year after year and be happy?
Of course, it does help to be able to confiscate funds from taxpayers to provided for the takers.
I have no doubt that is ridiculous to you but many don't seem to have a problem putting the rights of a transgender (or a pedophile that will claim to be one simply for easy access) over a child.
I also have no doubt that you or any rational liberal would never do anything to put a child in harm's way, but this slippery slope of "don't hurt anyone's feelings" we are on will do just that.
The problem we are battling are there are lots of far left irrational progressive liberals out there gaining ground on these issues.
So you must travel the world, going on-site to every news story that is of importance to witness it first hand so you don't have to get any of your news second hand so as not to be guided in any direction by da man.
Very impressive.