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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Now 2020 is being predicted...lol.
  2. Lol...that's y'all's measuring stick, we didn't disappear or get taken over so we're a success...how sad to expect so little from a President. Of course, if you expect too much from this guy, you get very disappointed.
  3. [Hidden Content] So which bathroom would Caitlyn Bruce use when this happens...so confusing.
  4. Pedophilia is the next social norm...hang in there, the Dems will let you know when and if you can publicly approve.
  5. Still no answer...you people???...hmmm.
  6. They may find it disgusting, but it is normal behavior.
  7. What a shame...you have no problem with it, don't seem to worry if your daughter would. That's where my concern lies (with the kids) and it seems Dr. Cavness as well. Have to agree with Whoa...awful strange that you feel your kids are safer in the presence of someone obviously confused about what they are than a Priest.
  8. Just trying to get an answer...sounds like some folks are all in on this thing, UNLESS it would actually affect them or their family.
  9. Violence by Democrats at a Democratic event don't get much press. Now violence by Democrats at a Trump event get lots of it...and it's always blamed on Trump "fanning the flames". lol...check out the guy with the "Fighting for us" poster in the pic...what does that even mean?
  10. Again, no answer. Hard to imagine too many folks that wouldn't put a YES on this one...must be rough to have ideals that one can't/won't defend.
  11. These guys seem to be only concerned with the transgender...not worried at all how it will affect the children. Grown men and grown women (transgender or not) have no business in a bathroom or locker room with children of the opposite sex...period.
  12. Are you going to answer the question, or continue ignoring it? If you had an elementary school age daughter, would you have no problem with a grown transgender man (or one claiming to be) coming in and using the bathroom with her in it?
  13. No, that's not what I'm saying at all, and you know it. A grown male transgender would have to do nothing more than simply walk into a girl's bathroom at school that had several young girls in it, use the bathroom, and damage is done. And you haven't given me an answer at all but avoided the question once again...would you have a problem with your daughter being exposed to this on a daily basis at school?
  14. Not going to get an answer on this one from the supporters of this nonsense...figures. I guess no one wants to say out loud they are more concerned with a transgender's feelings that the well being of young girls.
  15. So are you saying you have no problem with a grown male transgender going into a bathroom with young school girls?
  16. No, some folks are just swept away when nonsense is very well articulated. So can you answer my question... if a transgender male comes to primary school to visit someone, are you OK with him going into the girl's bathroom with young girls.
  17. It is protecting kids...and most folks can clearly see that. By the way, think for yourself...not for me. So answer my question...if a transgender male comes to primary school to visit someone, are you OK with him going into the girl's bathroom with young girls.
  18. Great liberal non-answer...I'll wait for someone that supports this garbage to answer the questions.
  19. Would you be comfortable with him sitting next to your daughter in a girl's bathroom? Or say he (or another adult transgender) is visiting an elementary school, is it OK for them to use the girl's bathroom in front of these young girls? None of this makes any sense, and logical thinking folks like Dr Caveness realize it.
  20. Folks aren't gutless about this, I think they are saying it loud and clear...myself included. Social norms...you are calling transgender a social norm?
  21. Protect the kids...how dare he. Refresh my memory...what was the grand plan put in place in Lumberton to get rid of the teacher so which election could be won by who?
  22. lol...not a chance.
  23. [Hidden Content]
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