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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. At least the new one is a comedy...the old one has been a tragedy.
  2. Your retirement financial plan is to win the lottery.
  3. Lol...been there...not the collapse, just the dogs.
  4. You go to your family reunion to meet women.
  5. Here's my #1...PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE!
  6. lol...good grief.
  7. I don't think we are supposed to use that term anymore, either.
  8. Exactly right...too many folks are looking for the fed gov to do all things for them, when there are only a handful of responsibilities they should have...big ones, but very few. Folks are also programmed to believe it will be catastrophic if it shuts down...sad place we have reached.
  9. There you go...move along citizen...nothing to see here...Obama/Clinton wants more of you. You keep worrying about Cruz, who is not even in it anymore, putting too much prayer in schools...very dangerous.
  10. On this point, we can surely agree!
  11. No, those are social issues that cost a ton of money. You are seriously more fearful of those items you have listed than the policies that are actual causing great harm to this country and putting us further and further in debt. What rights would be taken away from gays by Cruz, what horrible policy about voluntary prayer in school would be put in place. Social liberal and fiscal conservative doesn't work...nothing fiscally conservative about liberal social policies. Liberal fiscal policies are killing this country, not social conservative policies...just pick one of many big cities or states that are in trouble.
  12. I hope you are right about Trump (have my doubts) but I know you are right about Hillary...and I sure hope we get to see what kind of President he becomes...at least that will mean he beat Clinton.
  13. Tell me what conservative social stances that are actually policy that affect your life as a moderate are you concerned about? Social stances from the left and the policies behind them are much more costly than anything coming from the right. Obamacare, the global warming farce that kills the energy industry (just ask a coal miner) , welfare, ...now those cost you money. Conservatives just need to keep up the good fight because we know lefty policies DO NOT WORK. To conform and compromise to failed policies just to say you got in the White House...well that's what is happening right now.
  14. I recall the same thing being said about 7-8 years ago...how did that work out? He won't surprise me, he'll be a terrible President (if elected) and will swing the door wide open for the Dems in four years. POTUS is the toughest job on earth and this blowhard idiot is not up to the job. I agree anything is better than Hillary but we had a candidate (Cruz) that was exactly what the Republican party is supposed to be and they would not back him because he's not what the modern GOP wants apparently. Like I said, Great job, GOP...you did this.
  15. Trump has successfully pulled it off while promising all the things folks want to hear, and he won't do any of them...no wall...no tough immigration policies...no tax cuts, no smaller fed gov...he's all talk. He has also successfully portrayed himself as an outsider, but has given so much money to both parties over the years...lots of money to the Clintons...he's the ultimate Washington insider. He talks like a junior high punk in his speeches...nothing Presidential about this man. I'll vote for him over Hillary because she will simply be another Obama Presidency, but good grief...what a mess. Great job, GOP...you did this.
  16. lol...me too.
  17. Or this... [Hidden Content]
  18. Your tax dollars at work! [Hidden Content]
  19. Must be because of all the Republican social issues being pushed in Detroit.
  20. Yep...it's just a time killer until the real thing starts back up. I do think it's better than the first episodes.
  21. That you lump Cruz in with the rest of those morons simply removes all doubt.
  22. Maybe along with the wall, they could come up with something like a giant mole trap for the tunnels.
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