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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Yes and Yes.
  3. That's where you are wrong...we know the earth cools and the earth warms...it is currently in a warming trend by a few degrees. You are allowing folks that take a snapshot of the earth's cycle and say we have enough information to call it a disaster. Guess what comes with that disaster...folks that must step in and control the energy industry for our own good...hmmm. Stop claiming like Al Gore that the debate is over and the earth's warming is caused by man when we have a miniscule slice of time to go by. We (the US) are doing what we can to clean up the environment...anyone that works in the industry can see that...but to say without a doubt that global warming is manmade is wrong. I would be willing to bet I have read many of the same articles you have on this (well informed)...I just happen to see the agenda many have that will grab more power for them to regulate the energy industry so we can supposedly all avoid disaster, you don't.
  4. No matter how much it costs.
  5. No worries...not offended at all...you can't no matter how hard you try. It's amazing that you can tell by a few posts how much research I have done on global warming...I bet if I had agreed with you, I would be getting an A+ for my research efforts. See where I'm going...well informed to some simply means they agree with me.
  6. lol...there it is...I don't agree with your point, so I must be uninformed. Is any of the evidence you site from the same sources that were caught red-handed skewing the evidence that backed up man-made global warming? I'm still looking for an answer on the global cooling / ice-age that never occurred...with so much evidence to back up that it would. Someone may be uninformed here, but I don't think it's me.
  7. Gotta keep their voters warm and dry.
  8. Wow...one article, from the "conservative" Bloomburg . Let me ask you a question...were all the scientists in the 70s that proclaimed global cooling was going to be an epidemic wrong? They had lots of data to back up their theories as well...and we were pumping out much more air pollution back then...should have been a warming heyday. All the evidence was there...only it didn't happen.
  9. Punished by who, the fed gov...the same folks that are doing billions in trade with countries that are boiling out more air pollution than we ever dreamed about. The air is clean here now (just ask any farmer that has to pay for sulfur now) If anyone really thinks global warming is man made, you would be more effective holding your picket sign up in China, North Korea or Russia. Oh, and you better figure out how to cork those volcanos...or punish them.
  10. Good deal...NC, Mississippi and now this. Starting to see some pushback on this kind of crap.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. smh
  13. Not one for the fed gov to fix.
  14. It's also naive to think the fed gov can fix it,
  15. But, it's even (to the unwashed masses)...and that's all that counts. It's very compassionate.
  16. He lived what he wrote and sang about...even spending time in San Quentin. RIP Merle Haggard [Hidden Content]
  17. Yep...an educated audience...that actually reads articles.
  18. Agree...what gets me is many of the folks that think Obamacare is a disaster (which it is), want to get rid of it and turn around and have the fed gov create a "Plan B" disaster.
  19. Why not, have you found them to be falsely reporting issues?
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