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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Anyone that buys that shouldn't vote.
  2. But we know they will release him.
  3. Should be great for the private school business.
  4. Whether it's for shock factor or not, she's got Hillary figured out... Trump, too.
  5. I hear you...liberals are often uninterested or bored with an oppressive gov when the liberals are the oppressors.
  6. This was where they estimated the size of his heart...never knew they didn't actually weigh his heart. [Hidden Content] From the article: At the time of Secretariat's death, the veterinarian who performed the necropsy, Dr. Thomas Swerczek, head pathologist at the University of Kentucky, did not weigh Secretariat's heart, but stated, "We just stood there in stunned silence. We couldn't believe it. The heart was perfect. There were no problems with it. It was just this huge engine."[42] Later, Swerczek also performed a necropsy on Sham, who died in 1993. Swerczek did weigh Sham's heart, and it was 18 pounds (8.2 kg). Based on Sham's measurement, and having necropsied both horses, he estimated Secretariat's heart probably weighed 22 pounds (10.0 kg),[40] or about two-and-three-quarters times as large as that of the average horse.
  7. From what I've read, all the valves were normal size but the heart was just bigger. He simply had the heart of a Champion.
  8. He certainly had a big engine.
  9. After Secretariat died, they did an autopsy and found that his heart weighed over 20 lbs. The heart of a normal thoroughbred is about 8 - 9 lbs.
  10. Yep...many of them disappointed about their retirement plan.
  11. At least the new one is a comedy...the old one has been a tragedy.
  12. Your retirement financial plan is to win the lottery.
  13. Lol...been there...not the collapse, just the dogs.
  14. You go to your family reunion to meet women.
  15. Here's my #1...PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE!
  16. lol...good grief.
  17. I don't think we are supposed to use that term anymore, either.
  18. Exactly right...too many folks are looking for the fed gov to do all things for them, when there are only a handful of responsibilities they should have...big ones, but very few. Folks are also programmed to believe it will be catastrophic if it shuts down...sad place we have reached.
  19. There you go...move along citizen...nothing to see here...Obama/Clinton wants more of you. You keep worrying about Cruz, who is not even in it anymore, putting too much prayer in schools...very dangerous.
  20. On this point, we can surely agree!
  21. No, those are social issues that cost a ton of money. You are seriously more fearful of those items you have listed than the policies that are actual causing great harm to this country and putting us further and further in debt. What rights would be taken away from gays by Cruz, what horrible policy about voluntary prayer in school would be put in place. Social liberal and fiscal conservative doesn't work...nothing fiscally conservative about liberal social policies. Liberal fiscal policies are killing this country, not social conservative policies...just pick one of many big cities or states that are in trouble.
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